Many people feel inadequate to do anything meaningful for
God. But God doesn’t see you as inadequate, He sees you as completely able and
fully equipped to do whatever He’s called you to do.
One of my favorite Old Testament stories is of Gideon. He
was hiding from his enemies. He was afraid and didn’t feel prepared to do what
God called him to do. He was focused on his circumstances and his limitations,
but God was focused on what He could do through Gideon if he would just
surrender and be willing.
Gideon felt weak, but God saw him as strong. Gideon felt
unqualified, but God saw him as ready to do the job. Gideon felt insecure, but
God saw him as full of boldness. Even when Gideon was telling God all that he
was not, and how wrong God’s decision to use him was, God addressed him as,
“Mighty man of fearless courage.”
God saw what Gideon COULD BE if he would accept the
opportunity God was calling him to. Then sure enough, when Gideon got in agreement
with God’s plan for him, against all odds, his situation ended in victory.
Today, what has God called you to do? Remember, it isn’t
about how qualified you feel. It isn’t about how talented you are. When you believe
God instead of what the enemy is using your circumstances to tell you, that’s
when His power becomes available to you. That’s when He can work through you
and bring about greatness in every area of your life!