Sunday, June 16, 2013

Toxic People

We all have people we know, maybe even well-meaning and good-hearted, who drama just seems to follow them around. No, many people who claim to dislike drama are the very ones doing nothing to avoid it. If anything, many times, they’re starting or perpetuating it. You say, well that’s just my friend, I can’t change them. Yes, that’s true, but you can limit your time with them. You can change the subject when they want to get you worked up.

I usually stay pretty well on top of who and what I allow in my personal life because I really do treasure peace and detest trifling people. Once I see that tendency in someone or group I run like a mad woman in the opposite direction. And sure, it’s caused sore feelings on the other person’s side, I’ve even lost friendships over it. But I’m ultimately okay with that because, as a result, I have a very peaceful, calm, enjoyable life and the people who remain in it support, encourage and uplift me. Understand this, God has designed an amazing plan for your life but you won’t be in a position to receive it if you’re bogged down with all of the toxic people who steal your peace and are always eager to fill up your free time with their mess. You don’t have to be rude. You don’t have to tell each and every person exactly why you can’t join their plans. No, you have “other plans” and that’s all there is to it. You don’t owe anyone a lengthy explanation. Quit acting as if their happiness is your responsibility – it’s not.

The few times I’ve allowed people in my inner circle who were into drama or behaviors that I found to be pointless or only adding negativity to my life it always turned out to be a tiring, stressful period, which I ended up regretting. Life is short and you must make wise decisions if you expect God to trust you with more blessing. If your child was making poor choices with their allowance, would you give them more money? No, you would wait to see them manage what they already have with care and good sense and then you advance them. It’s up to you, it really is. Stay caught up in the drama and stress of others, or start making responsible choices, even if it means losing “friends.” The ones who are truly for you will be there still. And the ones who aren’t, well, you don’t need them standing in the way of what wonderful potential your life has anyway.


  1. Oh, Michelle! This is wonderful! I love the set-up. I want to talk to you about blogging. I've been thinking maybe it could help my "writer's block"...
    I'm definitely subscribing to follow you! This is actually better than on FB bc the messages are archived.
    GOOD JOB!!!!
    Love you, Katy

    1. Thanks for the support, Katy! I'll try to remember to post a link on FB but I definitely plan to keep up better on the blog than I did on FB. I really appreciate your encouragement, thanks again friend!

  2. Like it.. thanks for writing. I have enjoyed reading your enlightening posts on facebook so I will follow you on your new blog. Positivity rocks!
