Monday, August 26, 2013


We all know the saying, “Actions speak louder than words.” I think it’s easy to get caught up in words and maybe forget that just because we say it doesn’t mean people have to believe us. You can’t just say something but not back it up with action and expect that people won’t take notice of that little inconsistency. The bible says we shouldn’t merely SAY something but we are to show THE TRUTH of what we say by our ACTIONS.

I was watching Joyce Meyer the other day and she said, if you really want to know the true nature of a person watch how they act (1) in hard times, (2) when they have to wait longer than they would like for something, and (3) when someone else gets something they’ve been wanting for themselves but they don’t have it yet. Words are easy but if you really want to know the truth about a person watch their actions.

And think about this, the enemy isn’t going to stop coming at you because you declared a promise from God over your life one time this morning. You have to be persistent if you want to keep ahead of the enemy’s attacks. The bible warns us, be self-controlled and alert; your enemy prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. So you can’t expect to just say something one time and have that sink down in your spirit deep enough that you automatically start exhibiting the behavior behind that statement.

As you begin this week I want to encourage you to MEDITATE on the words of God. I think most of us intend on doing the right thing, the mature thing, the courageous thing, but we all need encouragement to stand firm on such things. The bible says that even King David; the apple of God’s eye; a man after God’s own heart, had to encourage himself. Many times we can find ourselves amongst people who couldn’t care less or may be just too wrapped up in their own stuff to notice yours so you have to get in the habit of encouraging yourself.

This is why it’s so important to learn and meditate on the promises of God, so you can fight against becoming one of those people who merely say it but don’t live it. That kind of example makes you look hypocritical and that can turn people away. The enemy wants nothing more than to make you the least effective in God’s name as possible. Please join me in focusing more on how our actions do or don’t line up with our words so that not only can we benefit by how this improves our character but also sets a better example for others. Commit to this and you will see God take you to that place of greater blessing you’re praying for!

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