Tuesday, August 13, 2013


The bible says that we are God’s masterpiece. That means you are not ordinary or average; you are a one-of-a-kind original. When God created you He went to great lengths to make you exactly the way He wanted you to be. He gave you the right personality, the right gifts, the right talents, and the right connections to do exactly what He’s called you to do. The question is, do you recognize the treasure that you are to God?

I remember Joel Osteen telling a story one time about having dinner at a friend’s house and he noticed a painting on their wall. He said he wasn’t really impressed; that it looked like a kid had painted it. But the owner mentioned he had paid over a million dollars for it and Joel said he looked again and thought, “Wow, that’s beautiful!” lol. See, it was painted by Pablo Picasso. So it’s value wasn’t due to the painting itself but because of who the ARTIST was. The Creator of the universe took care to “knit you together in your mother’s womb.” You need to put your shoulders back and stand proud as the masterpiece God created YOU to be!

Friends, I want to encourage you not to settle for living in mediocrity. Every morning when you get out of bed, remind yourself that you are a masterpiece! You were handpicked by God to be a person of extreme value and significance. Remember, you are an original—you're not meant to be like everyone else. God designed you the way you are for a specific purpose. Every detail about you matters.

You have to cast down whatever the enemy is trying to fill your head with right now! The bible says you are “fearfully and wonderfully made.” Start getting that down in your spirit. Start thanking God for choosing you to be an important part of His plan in this world. There is so much for you to do and become, but you have to realize it. You have to embrace it and rise to the challenge God equipped you for. He made you for great things so ask for His guidance today and let Him direct your steps. Then get ready to have your life renewed and elevated to a level you’ve never seen before!

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