Monday, September 30, 2013

God’s Goodness

I believe there are three things you can do every day that will not only change your attitude, but also the course of your life.

1) Expect God’s goodness. Get up every day looking for God’s favor.

2) Recognize God’s goodness. Trust that there are no coincidences, no lucky breaks – that it’s all the goodness of God.

3) Always thank God for His goodness. Anytime something good happens, big or little, give God the credit. “Lord, thank You for that parking spot. Lord, thank You for that clever idea. Lord, thank you for the discipline to say no to that bad habit.”

If you do this, I believe and declare that you’re not only going to recognize more of His goodness but that you’ll receive even more of it. Let this be your confirmation, that God is working behind the scenes right now to open up supernatural doors. He’s going to turn negative situations around. The bible says that God’s blessings will chase after you so get ready because I believe this promise is for you today!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Provision And Increase

Do you feel trapped in your current circumstances? When the people of Israel were in the desert on the way to the Promised Land, God gave them manna to eat. And that was good. It sustained them for a while, but it wasn’t permanent. Eventually, the manna stopped coming and then God gave them quail. That fed them for a while but it was also temporary.

See, God gave the Israelites temporary provision on the way to the Promised Land where they would have permanent provision. The fact that God had something much greater in store for their future is what kept them moving forward. God could have sustained them with manna or quail but God is all about increase.

Today, I want to encourage you that a shift is coming. Whatever you need – a shift in a relationship, in your health, in your finances, you’re on the verge of it right this moment! It may not look like anything is happening in the natural but let me remind you that we serve a supernatural God. Any addictions, bad habits and/or insecurities that have stood in your way are being removed. Allow me to declare for you that God’s favor is being released in a new way that will propel you forward.

This shift means seeing your Provider do exceedingly, abundantly above and beyond – just as promised in scripture. Right now your attitude should be one of excitement and hope! God promised to work ALL things for your good and He’s already lined up a shift in your circumstances. Just like with the Israelites you can count on this next chapter being greater than the last.

So get your hopes up and put a smile on your face! Even if it doesn’t look like it right now  your present situation isn’t going to last forever. God is lining up exactly what and who you need to take you to the next level. Stay open and on the look-out for how God wants to manifest this in your life. Turn the page, shake off the old and embrace the new that He wants to bless you with!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Your New Beginning Is On The Horizon

It’s so vital that we receive what God wants to freely give us. It sounds simple but so many people believe exactly the opposite. Their mindset is, “God has better things to do than think about me,” or “I don’t deserve God’s blessing” or “Everything good always happens to somebody else but not me.” I know it’s easy to feel that way but don’t let your heart and words go there - it’s a lie from the enemy.

God desires for you to have every blessing and every good thing that He promises to you in His word! The bible calls this “favor.” Favor is the undeserved, unearned, unexplainable goodness of God in your life. Favor protects you and promotes you. In a single moment it can open doors that should’ve taken years to open. It can restore a relationship or your health or your finances. It can bring a new opportunity or a new special person into your life.

You may not feel like it could happen for YOU and it may look like the sunset of your hopes but friend, breathe this is in today; let it sink into your heart and thoughts and spirit – you have a new beginning on the horizon! You are still very important to your heavenly Father and He’s far from done with you. Let God bring you out of this better off. Turn to Him, trust it all to Him and I declare that in the coming days and weeks ahead God will unleash His unprecedented favor in your life. You will experience His favor like you’ve never seen before!

Friday, September 27, 2013

God Has Appointed Another Seed For You

So many people today wonder what God’s will is for their lives. Oftentimes, they look for big things like signs and supernatural events. But really, God’s will for us unfolds each and every day whether we choose to recognize it or not.  

Maybe you’re going through something rough right now that you just don’t understand. It’s now more than ever that you have to turn to and trust God. He promised in Genesis that He has “appointed another seed” for you.

As a believer, you can rest assured that this is not the end. God has restoration and promotion lined up for you! Just because a certain situation didn’t work out the way you hoped, hang in there! Nothing is lost in the kingdom of God. If you will let go of what didn’t work out, then for everything you’ve lost God will appoint another seed for you, a BETTER one.

Friend, I want to encourage you today to keep the right perspective. We should have goals and dreams and look forward to a bright future but the way you live your life TODAY is what’s going to get you to where you need to be tomorrow. Submit every area of your heart to God and trust Him to honor this promise for you.

Keep praying, keep believing and keep hoping because God is faithful to His word. A new AND BETTER chapter is about to begin! Start waking up every morning with an attitude of praise and thanksgiving and not only will you find amazing peace but God will lead you into the fullness of blessing you’ve been hoping for!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

“The Coming Ages”

The bible says that in the coming ages we would see, “the immeasurable, unlimited, surpassing greatness of God’s favor.” That was said by the Apostle Paul a long time ago. God spoke to my heart that we are currently in this time Paul was referring to. I believe you and I are going to see this unprecedented favor now, presently! I believe that in the coming days, right now, God wants to show us unprecedented favor like we haven’t seen before!

The word “unprecedented” means “unmatched, unparalleled, for the first time.” In other words, you may have seen God’s favor in the past, but you need to get ready. You haven’t seen anything yet! What God has in your future is going to be bigger, better, greater — unprecedented! He is going to show you His goodness in ways you’ve never seen before! So I want to encourage you to keep standing firm, keep praying, keep putting Him first.

I understand that maybe you somehow think you don’t deserve what God has for you. Know that all believers were made worthy through what Jesus did on the cross. The truth is that no one can earn a gift from God, He gives it freely. And the bible says, “you have not because you ask not.” You have to put forth your faith AND KEEP IT THERE. It’s not His lack of offering it to you but your lack of believing Him for it that’s actually standing in your way.

God loves you so much, more than you could ever imagine! The bible says that God, who didn’t spare His own Son will also graciously give us all things. What does “all” mean? It means exactly that, ALL. Do you need peace? He is your peace. Do you need restoration in your love life? He is your restorer. Provision? It’s yours. Protection? That, too! He is the single source of everything that you will ever need… and He offers it freely to you.

Today, make sure to stay open to receiving God’s love. Receive His grace and receive all of the amazing blessings He’s already planned out for you! Keep your chin up and your shoulders back because I believe and declare that you will see His unprecedented favor pour into every area of your life!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Closed Doors

Things not working out quite like you thought they would? I know it can be confusing, maybe even painful when a door closes. I have intense wants in my heart just like anyone else, but as much as I want what I want my prayer now is that God open the right doors AND CLOSE THE WRONG ONES. He’s the only one who sees the big picture. He knows what you need and how things are going to play out so why wouldn’t you want to trust His judgment over your own? Oh right, because we’re human and we want control and we want what we want… right now, lol.

It took me getting a lot of things I THOUGHT I wanted yet they turned out tragic, in order to develop this particular piece of wisdom. But now, if a door closes, I do my best to fully trust God about it. If my plans don’t work out the way I thought they should I try to remind myself that God has something better lined up. Through getting enough things that LOOKED good to me at first and so I pressed on even though I knew that I knew better and they turned out disastrous, I’ve learned to not get so consumed by a desire that if it doesn’t happen my way I get all bent out of shape.

Maybe you’ve gone through a disappointment or loss recently and you don’t understand it. You could easily become bitter and give up on your dreams. Well, my hope for you today is that you realize God is still very much at work in your life. And what you thought was a setback is going to turn out to be a step up into a new and amazing chapter of your life! Embrace the yes’s AND the no’s. That closed door could be your loving heavenly Parent saving you from terrible heartache.

I want to encourage you to surrender your will to God and trust that if it’s truly a good thing He will arrange it. And conversely, if you don’t get it just remember that He loves you and wants only the best for you – He has BETTER in store! When you release to Him that thing you’re holding onto so tightly, that’s when He’s is going to take you to a higher level you can’t even imagine! Receive it in your spirit right now. Go ahead and get your hopes up. Go ahead and give thanks for the amazing things God is ALREADY working behind the scenes to bring you.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

More Effective Prayers

Did you know that the way you treat others impacts the effectiveness of your prayers? The bible says that the prayer of a righteous person is powerful. But if we aren't treating others with honor, understanding and respect then we aren't operating in righteousness.

The bible also says to, “comfort one another, agree with one another, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.” It’s a CHOICE to live in peace with others. Being right isn’t worth losing your peace. And acting too cool to apologize just makes you appear immature. I want to encourage you that when you choose to see people through God’s eyes of love you will find real peace.

As for intimate relationships, they aren’t just an agreement between two people to live life together. Relationships are intended to be a God-given blessing. When two people are united they’re supposed become one: spiritually, emotionally and physically. The bible says you should, “respect your wife and value her as an equal so that nothing will get in the way of your prayers.”

Another key to getting along with people is just allowing them to be them. God didn’t appoint you, Oh Mighty Changer of People :] However, if there’s someone that because of ‘them being them’ it’s causing you constant stress or drama then you may have to give them to God and love them from a distance. We just need to recognize when we’re dismissing a person only because they’re not doing or saying exactly what we like. We’re not two years old anymore, the world doesn’t revolve around us so it’s no longer age-appropriate to throw a temper tantrum when we don’t have everything just the way we think it should be.

The bible says to, “Avoid ignorant arguments so they don’t grow into quarrels” which means, keep the peace so you can avoid the drama. I urge you to make the following phrase a common mantra in your daily life – be hard to offend and quick to forgive. I’ve made it a habit of reciting this in my head when I’m tempted to lose my composure and I can’t tell you how often this pulls me back into peace. Be accepting and forgiving but also be careful to know when and where to draw the line so that their influence doesn’t pull you off track from God’s awesome plan for your life.

No matter what type of relationship it is, we should always aim to treat others with kindness and respect. Remember, the way you treat others is one of the main things that impact the effectiveness of your prayers. Take the challenge and start an honest effort to really try to treat others the way YOU wish to be treated. Choose love and forgiveness over the need to be right or ‘cool.’ If you commit to practicing these principles I believe and declare that you will not only see more effectiveness in your prayer life but you will also receive peace from God like you’ve never experienced before!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Choosing The Right Mate

A few couples I know have broken up recently, and I spent the very beginning of church yesterday outside trying to console a broken hearted girl I didn’t even know so I really feel compelled to devote the whole post to this today. I want to begin with a disclaimer. When I refer to my own past it’s purely for lessons-learned’ sake. I’m well aware that I’m not perfect and I wish nothing but great things for all of my exes. I should’ve taken longer getting to know them and/or not have ignored red flags that warned we weren’t right for each other. I’m only offering my mistakes here to help others avoid the same pitfalls.

I personally tend to stay single for long periods of time and I get questions or comments about this topic a LOT. In my dating life I’ve chosen hastily many times and things usually didn’t end well, which is precisely why I always seem to follow up with looong periods of singledom, lol. You have to take your time and choose carefully. My mistakes in this area have led me to be more patient though (patience is VERY important!), and to diligently seek wisdom from God on the matter. So with that in mind I will venture a few pieces of advice.

First off I strongly recommend NOT pursuing someone who doesn’t share your faith. The bible says that “good and bad do not belong together”, that “light and darkness cannot share together.” I’ve been with people who had no interest in my faith, or they claimed to but in reality they didn’t want to LIVE it with me. These instances always ended in sad disaster so I really urge you to choose wisely in this respect. And I mean this whether you’re Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, atheist, whatever. You will find way more peace and harmony if you couple with someone who practices the same belief system.

Another thing the bible is jam-packed full of is caution against being with temperamental people. Regarding a potential mate I’ve learned to pray first and foremost that she be emotionally stable and a positive influence. The bible is very clear and has many warnings about this so I’m just going to share a couple of my favorites. “It is better to live alone in the desert than with a quarreling and complaining wife.” … “Charm is deceptive and beauty can trick you but a woman who respects the Lord should be praised.”

Though I’ve significantly reduced my time on Facebook I still agree that it can serve as a good tool if used responsibly. I know someone who’s friend list fluctuates quite a bit so I asked her one time why this was and turns out she belongs to a dating site. She friend-requests someone in order to go back through their timeline and ‘investigate’ them – if they meet her standard they stay and if not, she deletes them immediately. I find that amusing, and pretty crafty. Many employers search this when considering a potential employee so why not when searching for a potential mate?

Watch what people post; if they air their dirty laundry, what types of things they share/like, if they celebrate their dysfunction instead of attempting to improve the behavior they themselves just admitted was wrong. My point is, there’s a lot of heads up about people if you only pay attention. If you’re honest with yourself, there’s a thought that pops in your head with everything you see on Facebook – whether it gives you a good impression of the person, or a bad one. I know I’ve deleted plenty of people, or at least unchecked them from my newsfeed when they clutter it with inflammatory or negative junk.

That brings me back to my original point (stupid ADD! lol). God doesn’t want you to be lonely. In fact, He hardwired us with a deep-seated need to love and be loved. He supplies helper mates in the animal kingdom and He calls us His masterpiece so of course He wants to provide a “helper mate” for each of us. The bible says that finding a wife is a good thing and that when you walk uprightly in God’s name you will lack no good thing. But, He also doesn’t want you to be with someone who causes you pain or prevents you from fulfilling His plan for your life.

So if you’re being abused, either physically or verbally, know that is NOT love, my friend! Saying they love you means nothing if their actions don’t prove it. "But they only mistreat me when they get drunk" ... "But they only mistreat me when they get angry." No, that's not love either. I’m all for hanging in there and doing the work to mend relationships but you have to know when staying is hurting more than helping. You have to trust that either God will help you fix it OR He will guide you to a better partner. He won’t let you settle for less than His best and THANK HIM for that. He is a loving Parent and that means He wants to bless you with someone who values, respects, and celebrates you. Give your situation to God and let Him develop you and direct you to that amazing relationship you’re seeking!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Unreasonable Reasoning

When things happen in your life that you didn’t plan, do you find yourself trying to reason it all out? I know I’m very curious by nature so I have to be careful about over-doing it, too. I used to be so methodical I annoyed myself, lol. It took time but through learning to trust God deeper it really shaped me into a way more laid back, less anxious person. Reasoning can be an addiction, and at that stage it becomes unhealthy.  

I heard Joel Osteen preach on this one time and he said, “Don’t put a question mark where God has put a period.” Part of trusting God means trusting Him especially when things don’t make sense, and knowing that His plan is always for your good. So stop trying to make sense of everything! The truth is even if you wasted all day and night thinking about it you’ll still never be 100% certain you figured it out.

Did you know that even if the enemy does try to use something to harm you God promised He would step in and ultimately use it for your good? So no matter what your life may look like right now, take heart! Stop worrying and let go of your need to figure it all out. I know it sounds easier said than done but just understand that you’re not going to experience real peace until you let it all go and learn to fall back into God’s protection and direction.

I want to encourage you today, things really are going to work out fine. No, no, don’t argue with me :] Take this as your confirmation, not only is it going to work out for the better but you’re going to be happier than you could’ve imagined with your own reasoning. Trust God, friends, He has a great plan for you and He’s not changed His mind or forgotten about it. Remember that God is in complete control and nothing can derail His awesome destiny for your life!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Hit The Delete Button

Our minds work a lot like a computer. The way we program it will determine how it’s going to function. You can have the most expensive, powerful computer on the market but if you load the wrong software it’s not going to perform at its best.

Many people aren’t living a victorious life, not because there is something wrong with them, but because of what has been programmed in their thinking. They start believing lies like, you’re not talented or you’re not attractive enough or you’ve made too many mistakes. Just like a virus can slow down a perfectly good computer, our wrong thinking can keep us from our destiny. If you want to walk in the fullness of God’s blessings you’re going to have to learn how to hit the delete button.

When wrong thoughts come into your mind, instead of dwelling on them, replace them with God’s truths. You are more than a conqueror, you were meant to lend and not borrow, no weapon formed against you shall prosper, God is working all things together for your good! These promises are there but you have to keep declaring them instead of believing the enemy’s lies. If you start hitting the delete button on the toxic thoughts you will see your life go to a positive, more productive and joyful level!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Abundant Life

Has life handed you some bad breaks and caused you to live in survival mode? When God gave His Son, He wasn’t just giving you a ticket to heaven. In John the bible says that Jesus came to give us life and have it abundantly. It’s abundant life NOW, on earth!

God wants you to know that He loves to give to His children! Whatever you’re facing right now God has already lined up the perfect solution for you. If you’re in need of physical healing the bible says that God heals all your diseases. If you’re in need of financial help God promises you will be blessed so much that you not only have enough for you to live abundantly but enough left over to be a blessing to others. If you’re in need of life direction God is going before you, making your crooked places straight!

God is not waiting for you to be perfect before He blesses you. So instead of concentrating on how dark or frustrating your life may be right now, take on this day focusing on how big God’s love is for you! If you do this I believe you will begin to see more clearly all the ways God wants to bless your life.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


So many people today are living with less than God’s best because they’ve allowed fear to creep in and steal peace from their lives. Fear is the greatest weapon the enemy uses to try to hold us back. Scripture tells us that fear brings torment. It’s designed to paralyze us and keep us from daring to believe for God’s blessings.

But God is greater than fear. His power in you is greater than any power that comes against you. And in order to walk in His power you have to close the door on the enemy. In Ephesians the bible says, “Do not give the enemy an opportunity to work.” See, the enemy can’t have access to your life unless you open a door and give him access. That’s why we have to be careful what we think about and what we say. When we open ourselves to fear we give the enemy opportunity.

If you’ve allowed fear to steal from you in any area of life know that conquering the enemy starts by making the choice to close the door on fear. Instead, meditate on God’s promises. Let Him set you free and lead you through a new door, of victory over fear!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Be Still

When was the last time you can remember being still? And I don't mean sitting in traffic or standing in line at the store. Today people are constantly multitasking, trying to do more in less time, constantly seeking information, constantly checking off to-do lists. But in Exodus it says, "The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still." If we are going to see the Lord fight our battles, if we are going to embrace the victory He has for us, we have to make it a priority to be still before Him.

Being still means taking time alone in the presence of God. I know you think you don’t have enough time in a day as it is but I’m not suggesting an hour or even a half hour. I’m only advising that you spend as much time as possible for you, even just five minutes. Being still just means being quiet before Him, silencing the negative voices in our minds. That's why it's so important to keep your relationship with God first place in life, because the more you know Him, the more you learn to trust and depend on Him.

I personally can’t imagine facing the day without first getting my alone time with Him. Sometimes it’s only a few minutes before I have to rush out the door to work but it’s so worth it! I can always tell a difference when I get more time or less time or no time. It’s a reality check to me because of what an impact I see it has on my whole day. When you get still before God, He infuses strength and hope into you and it carries over into every area of your life. Start today, make the time to get quiet before God. I assure you, you’ll be amazed at how much more peace and confidence you have!

Monday, September 16, 2013

How To Experience Increase From God

Are you feeling stuck where you’re at? Maybe at a job or in a relationship that just doesn’t feel like it’s “God’s best.” Consider this for just a moment, some of you aren’t seeing God’s favor the way you could because you’re not passing the little tests. For Joyce Meyer it was putting grocery carts back when she was done with them in the parking lot. For me, it was traffic. You have to be careful not to let something small keep you from receiving something big from God. 

The bible says it’s “the little foxes that spoil the vine.” God knows that if you won’t honor Him in little things then He can’t trust you with bigger things. If you’re a parent then I’m sure you understand. You wouldn’t give your child a raise in allowance if they haven’t proven they can be responsible with what they’re already getting. We have to learn to be good stewards of what God has already given us before we can expect to see increase.

You have to start disciplining yourself in areas where you want to see improvement. Want financial increase? Begin managing what money you do have more wisely. Want an increase of peace in your relationship? If you’re coupled then you both need to be committed to improving yourSELF. Once you make the honest, consistent effort to address your own issues, growing better as a couple will come. If you’re single, patience my sweet :] Don’t get ahead of God and choose poorly just because you’re tired of waiting. Take it from me, that always ends in disaster. If you’ll trust in Him and let Him take this time to develop your character and improve your relationship with Him and yourself not only will He bring you that special someone but it’ll be more amazing than you ever hoped for!

I mentioned that the area God chose to test me in was traffic. I used to have quite a road rage issue. Realizing this and knowing God didn’t want me acting like a raving lunatic when things didn’t go my way in traffic I finally decided to address it. I put a big sticker on my back window that says, “God’s Girl.” Every time I was tempted to lose my cool in traffic I would just look in my rearview mirror, see that declaration to the world, and it helped me control myself because I really didn’t want to dishonor God by misrepresenting Him.

It didn’t happen overnight but eventually I got to the point that I really didn’t mind the delays. In fact, I’ve come to see them as possible blessings in disguise; saving me from being in an accident up ahead or even just saving me from a ticket. Now I’m the most courteous person you ever want to be in traffic with. I’m the one who lets you ahead of me. I’m the one who stops to let you cross the road. I’m the one who just smiles when someone curses me out, lol.

As a Christian, you are a representative of God. Most of the reason people are turned off by Christians is because they see them come out of church or make that claim and then act the exact same way they do (or worse). Every other word is a curse word, or you gossip about people, or you get drunk at every get-together, or you complain all the time. Ask yourself, are you really doing all you can to improve your situation? If you’ll commit to doing the part you CAN do, God will do the part you CAN’T do. Whether it’s your health, your thoughts, your actions, your money. Think about it, are you managing your life in a way that would cause God to believe you’re ready for increase?

I’ve chosen poorly in the past but at least it’s led to me making better choices now. Not to say I’ve got it all figured out – far from it, lol. I just know I have less struggle in life when I choose to go ahead and pass the test I’m in. I’ve learned the hard way that God is always watching to see if I’m ready to handle the next level of increase and I just don’t want to do anything to put that off. For instance, I can’t complain about being with the wrong person if I chose to ignore all of the red flags He gave me when I began dating them. I can’t complain about being broke if I partied away my bill-money. Know how I prove that having a strong, healthy body is important to me? I put the time and effort into making it so. In the same way, I know if I want to keep my relationship with God strong I have to put in the time and effort.

I want to encourage you to look honestly at what you’re asking of God. Is there anything you’re doing (or not doing) that might be preventing it? The bible says God wants to bless you beyond what you can even dare to imagine! But if you’re not passing the tests at your current level then that’s like asking your boss for a promotion when you have yet to prove that you can handle the position you’re presently in. Do the work to improve as much as you honestly have control over doing so. Decide today to be better, decide to come up higher. Trust that when God sees you choosing to put action behind your words He will unleash favor and increase in your life like you’ve never seen before!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Relationship Stress

Have you struggled in relationship with someone recently and that has you tied up in knots right now? I want encourage you today that nothing is a surprise to God. One of the things I pray consistently every single day is that God brings the “right people” into my life and weeds out the “wrong people.” Only God can change people. Only He can see the big picture and only He knows what’s truly best for us.

Your heavenly Parent knows how to speak to the innermost core of people. He knows exactly how to reach the loved ones you’re concerned about. He has a plan to bring the right people across your path at just the right time. He’s in charge of every situation in your life and has every intention of changing things for the better. If need be He can simply move the wrong people out of the way so that you can connect with the right ones.

Hold steady friends, because God is directing your steps and going out ahead of you to line up every person you will ever need. If your life looks different than what you expected I’m here to encourage you, keep trusting God. Your situation may seem unfortunate right now but God promised to work ALL things together for your good. If God allowed it then you can be assured, there is a very good reason for it. If that person is really meant to be in your life, release them to God so He can either do the work in you both while you’re apart and then bring you back together in a healthier form OR you have to trust that He will bring you someone BETTER instead.

Please, don’t give up hope! Just because it doesn’t look like you thought doesn’t mean that it’s not exactly what you need right now. In order to accomplish drastic changes often times you have to be willing to trust God through drastic measures. Do yourself a favor in the meantime and keep close to Him. The bible says that all you’re called to do in the middle of these trying times is be still and know that God is Who He says He is and ALWAYS has your best interest at heart.

I urge you today to release your fears, your stress, your need to reason things out. Release them to the only One who can change your situation. You have to let go of what AND WHO you can’t change and believe God for what He promised. If He doesn’t return your circumstances to you the way they were, just know that He’s working on making them BETTER. If you will keep your confidence in God no matter how impossible things may look I know that your breakthrough is closer than you think; don’t give up right before you have what you’ve been praying about!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Really? I Mean, Really??

Are you tired of living the way you’ve been living? Do you really want improvement? Really? I mean, really?? Some of us say we want a change but then turn around and do the exact same things and hang out with the exact same people. If you want to realize how serious you are about having a better life look at it this way, if you wanted ice cream bad enough… you’d get off the couch right then and go to the store to get it. If you wanted a cigarette bad enough … even if it meant searching through countless dust bunnies under furniture to scrape up enough coins you would do it right then. Sooo, if you really want to make positive changes in your life… do it. Not tomorrow or next week, but right now.

Ohh I can hear you saying, “Come on Chelle, it’s Friday?! I’ll commit to being better on Monday.” Let’s be honest, no you won’t. If this is what you’re thinking then we’ve solved the mystery of why you’re feeling stuck in life. Friends, there will always be something you can use as an excuse to stay where you are. Whether you justify not honoring your vow to get out of debt because you got an unexpected bill, or you justify getting wasted because you received bad news, or you stay with someone you know isn’t right for you just because you don’t want to be alone. It’s not my intention to upset you but it’s just that you have so much potential and I reeeally want you to want better for yourself.

Here, let me put it a different way. If you knew you had the winning lottery ticket and you could cash it in right this instant, would you wait til Monday? Noooo, lol. So why would you waste one more minute living a subpar life when there is peace and joy right on the other side of all the excuses you’ve been using? It’s not your partner, your friends, your roommate, your boss, or your parents responsibility to make you happy or make your life improve. No sweetheart, YOU have to do it for YOU. There is good news though – you have supernatural help!

God has promised to never ask something of you without first equipping you with the ability to do it. He’s also promised to never leave you, never stop loving you, never stop providing for you. Here’s the thing, you can refuse to let Him in. God is a Gentleman so if you shut the door to His help then that’s on you. But if you will stop right now, in this very moment, whether you’re reading this at 8am or 8pm and do yourself the favor of deciding you are done doing things YOUR way (which if you’re not currently thrilled with life then you know YOUR way isn’t all that great anyway) and give the steering wheel to God and truly seek Him on what to do next, He will be MORE THAN HAPPY to step in and show you.

Jesus said, “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Why would you want to put off such an amazing offer?? If you will trust God and give up YOUR way you will see the positive changes that you SAY you want. I urge you, don’t postpone it one more minute! Actually mean what you say and commit to being the best version of yourself today, right now. The bible says God wants to bless you abundantly, beyond anything you’ve ever seen before. LET … HIM!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Fearfully And Wonderfully Made

If you’ve gone through a long season of struggle I know it can feel like you’ve wasted part of your life. Maybe you spent too long in a relationship that was toxic, years with an addiction, gave your best at a job where you weren’t fulfilled. But you have to realize that nothing you have been through is ever wasted. Your past experiences, good and bad, have deposited something on the inside of you. When the enemy brings hardship into your life God has a way of taking that experience and turning it around to your advantage.

Friend, you may think you’ve hit a dead end. You may think that you might as well settle here because it’s all you’re going to have, all you’re going to become. But let me encourage you, if you’ll stay in faith and make the necessary positive changes God is calling you to make you will see God open up a new door. He’ll put the right people in your path, the right opportunities, the right circumstances to move you forward to your God-given destiny.

How do you start? First and foremost, you have to quit focusing on your past. Focus instead on what God wants to do in your future! The bible says that He cared so much about every precious detail of you that He took the time to knit you together in your Mother’s womb. He said you are, “fearfully and wonderfully made!” For a another strong piece advice I’ll go to the bible again, “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”

Finally, don’t talk yourself out of the dreams God placed in your heart. When the negative voices pop in your head saying you can’t become anything great, that your best days are behind you, bat those lies down with the truth which is that God wants to give you joy and peace and help you make your dreams come true. Seek God’s will and ask for His guidance in getting back on spiritual track so you can experience the amazing plan He’s prepared for you!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

New Beginning

Have you been feeling like God is far from you lately? Maybe you think He’s forgotten about you, or even that He might be too disappointed in you to care about what you’re going through. Maybe you’re thinking you’ve messed up too badly for Him to save you this time or you’ve been doing the wrong things for too long for Him to turn it around now. Listen dear, if it wasn’t for the constant, unwavering goodness of God some of you wouldn’t even be alive right now.

I want you to take a moment and look back over your life. Through all of your bad choices and mistakes and back-slides, be reassured the same God that brought you this far is going to carry you through any difficulty you may be facing now. I want you to understand that today is a NEW day and it’s time for you to be the NEW you. Let today be the beginning of you breaking old habits and strongholds. Let this be the beginning of you moving forward into a NEW way of thinking, being and living. 

I have an especially strong desire to encourage you today because I feel there’s a particular heaviness in your heart. Friend, no matter what is happening in your life you can have a NEW beginning right this very moment. Choose today to leave the old behind; toxic behaviors, toxic thinking, toxic people. You have to get rid of that junk and quit letting it poison the NEW God wants for you! Even your mistakes from two minutes ago don’t count if you’ll just embrace this do-over that God is offering you!

I urge you, don’t allow the enemy to steal one more moment of your awesome destiny away from you. Don’t believe the lies that this is all there is for you. You have to put your shoulders back and get determined; declare that this is your NEW beginning! The bible says that God is directing your steps and if you will commit to following His leading I declare that your best days are still ahead and you’re about to move forward into amazing blessings like you’ve never seen before!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Very Best

Is there a particular situation in your life right now that’s causing you a lot of stress or sadness? I want you to repeat to yourself and always remember that your steps are ordered by your loving supernatural Parent. God has a specific purpose in mind for you – He designed it before you were even born. He’s already lined up every person and thing you need and designated the exact right time to bring them about in your life. He is constantly working behind the scenes on your behalf.

If you’re ever going to experience true peace and triumph over the fear and doubt though, you have to learn to trust God’s plan. Like any good parent God wants the very best for you. The difference is that your heavenly Parent is the only one with the ability to make undeniably sure you end up with the very best. Think about that, the Designer of the universe is also designing your destiny.

Let me assure you friends, right this very moment He's aligning the very best opportunities and causing the absolute right people to come into your life. And another thing, He won’t allow you to make peace with settling for less than His very best either. His vision for your life is way greater than you can even imagine! He won’t let you stay with the wrong person or at the wrong place for long. You may attempt to remain there but He’ll never stop trying to wake you up so He can bring you into that higher level of being and blessing He designed for the precious child you are to Him.

The key is that you have to really, truly trust God. Never forget that He is concerned about everything that concerns you. The bible says that He takes the care to bottle each of your tears. He said He would take even that which the enemy meant to harm you and turn it around to benefit you. Stand on this promise today, declare God’s words back to Him and watch as He manifests them in your life!

Monday, September 9, 2013


I already had today’s message written out but all evening last night the pastor’s sermon from church that morning kept playing in my mind. It centered on how we make commitments based on convictions we’re having, like I shouldn’t be smoking so I’m going to commit to quit. But then some time goes by and the initial passion wears off and we fall back into old behaviors.

He was saying this usually only happens when we lack the accountability that comes from an outside support source. This is why programs like AA or Weight Watchers works so well. If you’ve read my blog very long you know I often warn you to pay attention to the influences you‘re allowing in your life. And this is why. You will become like what you allow your influences to be. Whether it’s positive people who speak encouragement into you, who call you on your wrong choices/thinking OR if it’s negative people who convince you it’s cool to binge drink or smoke or sleep around or curse every other word or be all out for yourself no matter who gets hurt.

You are your own worst enemy when you invest your time and energy into people who keep you down; who tell you that you’re not enough of this or too much of that; who don’t care enough to boost you and help you develop your God-given character. In order to accomplish your goals in any lasting way you’re going to need encouragement from others. If it’s a 12-step program, great. If it’s a professional counselor, great. If it’s a close friend or two or three, great. But you need someone outside of your situation that will help lift you up and also keep you accountable.

I’ve had people comment on how positive I always seem or how confident and strong I appear. Well friends [lol] I certainly don’t always feel that way. I have bad days and tough circumstances and heartbreaks like anyone else. But I learned this principle a while back so even though I don’t have a ton of friends or a support group, I started listening to an uplifting message every morning while I get ready for work and upbeat music in my truck and I usually listen to another uplifting message sometime before bedtime. I talk to God all throughout the day and seek Him on things that concern me.

I want to embolden you today. Whatever your goal is, to quit smoking or quit binge drinking or lose weight or mend a broken heart, remember this. It didn’t take one day to develop those conditions and it won’t take just one day to overcome them. BUT, you and God will always be a majority and majority rules! Don’t lose hope when it takes you longer than a week to stop craving cheesecake. Don’t give up when a month later you still have to fight an occasional urge to smoke. Keep pressing forward when you hear your ex’s name and it chokes you up still. Everything has a season and this too, shall pass.

Commit to surrounding yourself with positive encouragement of some sort. Keep God at the center of ALL you do. When the enemy throws a lie at you ALWAYS take a moment to bat that down with a truth from God’s promises. Even when you’re at work, do like me and go to the bathroom to speak it! :] If you will commit to this I believe that your situation will turn around, not only faster than you thought but this time you will ONCE AND FOR ALL overcome that difficulty; you will become everything God created you to be and have everything God designed especially for you!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

All Around You

All around you, God’s goodness is on display. The question is, do you see it? The scripture talks about how God was in the midst of people, but they knew Him not. Too many times God is working in our lives, showing us favor, protecting us, sending us healing but we don’t recognize His goodness.

For example, if you’re in a crowded parking lot and a car backs out so you can get a front row space, that’s the goodness of God. If you’re going through a difficult time and a friend stops by out of the blue and cheers you up, that’s the goodness of God. If you’re in a hurry and someone lets you go in front of them at the store, that’s the goodness of God.

Even the seemingly disappointing things are just God’s blessings in disguise. Like the traffic jam slowing you down – you don’t know that getting to your destination sooner may have put you in harm’s way (speeding ticket, accident, etc). The unhealthy person removed from your life – maybe because you’re not strong enough to walk away from them but God wants what’s best for you so He removed them on your behalf in order to replace them with someone BETTER.

We have to remember not to take even the little things for granted. All through the day we should be thanking God for His goodness. There are always ways it could be worse. Maybe you’re sick but not dying, maybe you’re broke but not homeless. There are people out there who feel incredibly thankful yet have less than what you have right now.

Today, be on the lookout for what may be God’s blessings, even if in disguise. God would never take anything from you without having every intention of bringing you BETTER to replace it. You just have to release it and trust God to be the loving Parent He promised you He is. Show Him that you’re thankful for what you DO have and then watch Him add to your life all that you’re praying for that you DON’T already have. He knows how to provide for you and in the most perfect terms and the most perfect way and the most perfect timing.

Friday, September 6, 2013


The bible says that there’s a battle going on in our minds and our thoughts dictate our actions. That’s why the enemy will do everything he can to get you thinking in the wrong direction. Sometimes it’s not our own thoughts that hold us back as much as that we’ve believed negative things that other people have spoken over us. Those words are like seeds. And if you dwell on them long enough they’ll take root and become your reality (but it’s a false one!).

In life, there will always be people telling you what you can’t do, how you aren’t talented or educated enough. But most of the time this comes from their insecurity. They see something special in you and rather than celebrate you and take it as inspiration for themselves to improve it’s easier for them to just try to keep you down on their level. Please embrace this right now, no matter what negative things people speak over you, God has the final say and He calls you more than a conqueror, who is wonderfully made.

Too often we latch on to the negative words from others and unfortunately allow them to develop what the bible calls a “stronghold” in our minds. A stronghold is a wrong thought or action that keeps us from God’s best. The way you break those negative strongholds is by rejecting the lie, forgiving the person, and choosing to believe God’s truth.

Today, I want to encourage you to take inventory of your thought life. Ask yourself, “Where did this thought come from? Does it line up with what God says about me?” Choose to invite God to help you break every stronghold in your life and accept His truth instead. This will set you free to become everything God created you to be and have every amazing thing He’s designed especially for you to have!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Don’t Tell Me

No offense but I couldn’t care less who tells me they’re a Christian – SHOW me. You shouldn’t have to tell anyone anyway. I know most people don’t need the bible to tell them that being a hypocrite is wrong but even Jesus said He’d rather you just be outright against Him than to claim you’re for Him yet your actions prove otherwise. One translation says this type of behavior makes Jesus want to vomit. Wow.

If you’re okay with binge drinking or lying or being vulgar or rude, then own it. But don’t say you want to change, say you want a better life and then not put forth the effort it takes to get it. That does so much damage to the people around you who actually believe your words, who then get disappointed when you don’t back them up with anything real. I’m sorry to put it so bluntly but, you’re a walking deterrent for God when you conduct yourself this way.

Maybe you don’t compromise in big ways like stealing or cheating but the little ways matter, too. The bible says it’s, “the little foxes that spoil the vine.” You have to stop saying you want to be financially restored or lose weight or quit smoking or quit getting wasted or quit being selfish, but then not take any steps toward actually doing it. There is help for you but you have to acknowledge it and COMMIT to it.

I do want to warn you though, when you try to live right and remove unhealthy things from your life you will lose some people. But let me encourage you, God will replace them with better ones! People who love and support you. People who help you grow and develop. I have a friend who says it like this, “People who compliment your life, not complicate it.” I love that.

Friends, you have an amazing, God-given destiny and it’s too important for you to squander it away trying to help someone who’s actions have proven they don’t really want help. I know it may hurt your heart but some people you have to let go of and GIVE TO GOD. Today I urge you to look around you, look at what you’re allowing your influences to be. Take that step toward the higher level of being and blessing God is calling you to. Release those bad habits and toxic people and trust God to not only bring you out of it but bring you out BETTER than you could’ve ever imagined!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


In life we will encounter people that are hostile toward us for no apparent reason. There will be some people who seem to go out of their way just to upset us and steal our peace and joy. But you don’t have to respond to them. You can decide to take the high road and let God handle them for you. The bible says, “The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace and remain at rest.” You don’t have to get stressed out trying to figure out your own battle plan. It’s good to be prepared but once you’ve done all you know God has called you to do in the situation it’s time to stand on His promise and hold your peace; remain at rest.

Sometimes you will have to be around people that, no matter what you say or do, they just aren’t going to be good to you. For whatever reason they will refuse to be at peace with you. When Jesus sent His disciples into the communities to minister He told them to always speak peace over the homes. But He also said that if those people won’t accept the peace you’re offering not to stress over it because the peace will then just come back to you. If you will do your best to be at peace with people, even if they won’t accept your peace, that peace will just come back to you. You’ll not only keep the peace from not losing your cool but you’ll get their share of peace as well!

When you do the right thing no matter what is happening, God sees it and rewards it. Today, choose to hold onto your peace. Choose to do the right things even when wrong things are happening. Trust that God is fighting your battles for you and He will deliver you out of whatever struggle you’re in. Stand on this promise and you will not only see your situation turn around but it will turn out better than you could have ever managed in your own strength – and the bonus is that you’ll be able to keep your peace in the meantime.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Increase Is Coming

No matter what is happening in your life today, as a believer, you have a reason to be excited about your future. If things seem impossible right now, remember that God can do the impossible. The key is you have to keep reminding yourself that you‘re not here by accident. You have a purpose and destiny to fulfill – and He isn’t finished with you yet. Your best days are not behind you, they’re right around the corner!

One thing I know is that God is a God of increase. He has greater things in store for your future than you have experienced in your past. His dream for your future is so much bigger than your own. He wants to take you places that you’ve never dreamed and open up doors that you’ve never imagined. He wants to bring talent out of you that you didn’t even know you had. He wants to increase you and cause you to be a greater blessing to the people around you.

Today, get your hopes up and get excited about your future! Trust and declare that God not only has the power to increase you but He longs to do so. Get out of God’s seat and let Him take over in your life. Surrender your will and your way and trust His timing. Choose to keep your eyes on Him no matter what’s happening in your circumstances. Remember that He is faithful so you will receive the blessings that God promised. Keep standing, keep believing and keep moving forward because He has explosive blessings designed especially for you!