Friday, September 6, 2013


The bible says that there’s a battle going on in our minds and our thoughts dictate our actions. That’s why the enemy will do everything he can to get you thinking in the wrong direction. Sometimes it’s not our own thoughts that hold us back as much as that we’ve believed negative things that other people have spoken over us. Those words are like seeds. And if you dwell on them long enough they’ll take root and become your reality (but it’s a false one!).

In life, there will always be people telling you what you can’t do, how you aren’t talented or educated enough. But most of the time this comes from their insecurity. They see something special in you and rather than celebrate you and take it as inspiration for themselves to improve it’s easier for them to just try to keep you down on their level. Please embrace this right now, no matter what negative things people speak over you, God has the final say and He calls you more than a conqueror, who is wonderfully made.

Too often we latch on to the negative words from others and unfortunately allow them to develop what the bible calls a “stronghold” in our minds. A stronghold is a wrong thought or action that keeps us from God’s best. The way you break those negative strongholds is by rejecting the lie, forgiving the person, and choosing to believe God’s truth.

Today, I want to encourage you to take inventory of your thought life. Ask yourself, “Where did this thought come from? Does it line up with what God says about me?” Choose to invite God to help you break every stronghold in your life and accept His truth instead. This will set you free to become everything God created you to be and have every amazing thing He’s designed especially for you to have!

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