Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Running Your Own Race

So many people today spend valuable time and energy trying to make everyone around them happy. They want to be accepted and affirmed. There’s nothing really wrong with that, as long as you don’t let the opinions of others become your focus or distract you from what God has called you to. The bible says, “Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it.”

If you’ve ever watched a race, when the competitors run you don’t see them looking around at the other runners wondering how they’re doing. No, they have their mind focused on one thing – the finish line. They don’t waste valuable energy comparing themselves or wondering what’s going on around them. Instead, they focus on winning the prize. This is how we should be in life, focused on winning the prize of God’s reward.

My challenge to you today is, run your race. Don’t let people squeeze you into their mold. Remember, you don’t have to play up to people. You don’t have to worry about what everyone else thinks. As long as you’re being true to what God has put in your heart, you don’t have to look at those around you for validation. Stay focused on your goals. Run your race and honor God in everything that you do. When you keep your eyes fixed on Him and His plan for your life He has promised to bless you and everything you touch!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A Different Spirit

One time in Scripture, Moses sent 12 men to spy out the Promised Land. The people of Israel were camped right next door and excited about possessing the land. But after 40 days, 10 of the men came back with a negative report. They said, “Moses, there are giants in the land and we’ll never defeat them.” That negative report spread throughout the rest of the camp and the people began to doubt and complain. But one of the spies named Caleb said, “Moses, we are well able to defeat these people. Let us go up at once and take the land!”

They all saw the same land, the same circumstances but they had totally different views. How could their reports be so opposite? Here’s how, Caleb had a different spirit. He saw things with a different perspective. Others were focused on the giants but Caleb was focused on his God. It’s interesting to note that the people who complained never actually made it into the Promised Land… but Caleb did.

The bible says that Caleb was granted permission to take possession of the Promised Land because he had a “different spirit” and followed God completely. Today, you can choose to have a different spirit. Don’t listen to what everyone else says; listen to what God says. Tune out the negative voices around you, even in your own mind, and choose to trust that God will fulfill every promise He’s made to you. Choose to believe His truth, choose to obey Him and He will lead you into YOUR promised land!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Slowly And Suddenly

God said, “I’m going to do great things that I have never done before anywhere on earth. People will see what great things I can do because I’m going to do something awesome for you.” Now when God uses the word “awesome,” He is not talking about a trickle, a stream or a river of power. He is talking about a flood of favor, a flood of ideas, a flood of healing. It may not look like it in the right now but any moment could be THE moment God decides to do for you what He’s “never done before.”
I like how Joyce Meyer puts it, God works in two speeds: slowly and suddenly. It’s in the times of “slowly” that God is lining up all of the right people, circumstances and yes, even trials. The trials are there to prepare us, to strengthen us so we can better handle the promotion coming our way. Without the training and testing, it’s just like at your job, you would never be ready to take over a higher position. God wants to take us to higher and higher levels, to reach our full God-given potential.
Then just when you think He must have forgotten all about you, once He’s done tying up loose ends and putting all of the finishing details in place, there’s your “SUDDENLY.” And any moment could be that moment. Any moment, God could do that something awesome, like you’ve never seen before in your life. That thing maybe only you and He knows about, any moment could be your set time to receive it!
Now the real question is will you let this seed take root? God wants to do something amazing in your life. Get into agreement with Him and declare, “God, this message is for me today. I’m raising my expectations. I’m shaking off doubt, negativity, self-pity, little dreams and little goals. God, I’m going to believe You for the awesomeness You said You would do for me!” Surrender your thoughts, words and attitudes to Him and open the door for God to do that awesome thing He’s never done before… today could be the day!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Real Love

“Now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” Ahh, 1 Corinthians 13 is one of the most quoted chapters in the bible. Countless wedding vows include it’s beautiful words, any sermon ever uttered on the topic of love use it as a foundation, and yet so many of us just don’t seem to carry it over into our daily lives.

What a lot of Christians seem to forget is that spiritual maturity isn’t measured by how long you’ve been a Christian, how much you know about the bible, or how often you go to church. Spiritual maturity is measured by the way you treat other people. It’s measured by the love you allow to operate through you. One of my absolute favorite Christian songs is, “They will know we are Christians by our love.” For me, the whole teaching of Christ is summed up in that one statement.

1 Corinthians 13 tells us very specifically what REAL love is. If we are truly walking in love we treat each other with courtesy and respect. This scripture also tells us that love does not envy, it’s not proud, it keeps no record of wrongs. Are you patient with the person at the checkout register that may be moving too slowly for you? Are you supportive of your coworkers? Are you quick to forgive and slow to become angry? I’m not perfect in this area by any means either, but I did make a decision to really strive to be better at it today than I was yesterday.

When you really try and you seek God on ANY matter you will gain control and victory over it. I think it’s also important to note that none of the descriptions of love have a thing to do with feelings. That’s because love is a CHOICE. You can choose to show love toward people even when you don’t feel like it. Today, I want to encourage you to choose to show compassion and be considerate to others. Not only will you feel better about yourself but you’ll experience a peace you never have before. Knowing that you did right by people, even if they aren’t doing right by you – God sees that and He will reward you with greater blessings than you can even dare to dream of!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Your Storage of Blessings

The bible talks about how God has blessings stored up for those that honor Him. Think about that. God has the right people, promotions, ideas, and good breaks that already have your name on them. They’ve been stored up for you. The question is, how do you see them released?

1) Honor God and keep Him first place.

2) Make room for them in your thinking and believe that something big is in your future.

I want to encourage you that right now something good is headed your direction. The bible says God’s blessings will chase you down! Know that increase is looking for you, favor is looking for you, good breaks are looking for you! My question is, are you making room for it? Are you taking off the limits in your thinking? Are you preparing for increase?

There will always be people that try to talk you out of it, maybe even your own thoughts. When you look at it in the natural, you may think, “It’s impossible. There’s no way.” But that’s when you have to rise up in faith and declare God’s promises for yourself. You have to make room for the blessings He has in store for you.

Today, why don’t you take the limits off God? Even if you don’t see how it can turn around in the natural, remember that our God is a supernatural God. He has blessings already stored up for you. Make the choice to put God first in your life and choose to believe His word because He said He wants to amaze you with His goodness. You just have to do your part and keep your faith; allow God to direct your steps. If you live your life like that you will receive those blessings He has stored up for you!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Avoiding Strife

“Starting a quarrel is like breaching a dam; so drop the matter before a dispute breaks out.”

“Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels.”

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”

“Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.’”

Too often, people fall into the trap of strife. Above I listed just a few of the verrry many bible scriptures that warn us against getting caught up in it. Someone says something that rubs you the wrong way or tries to cut you down and before you know it, there’s tension, quarreling, regretful comments and actions.

This is the enemy’s greatest trick to keep people from living in victory. But you don’t have to get all worked up just because someone else wants to argue with you; you can rise above it. Like the first verse says, you can simply drop the matter before it turns into something bigger than it needs to be. You don’t have to sink down to somebody’s level and argue with them and try to prove that you’re right. You weren’t put on this earth to correct everybody around you. And you don’t owe anyone the peace of mind you would be sacrificing by giving into this tactic of the enemy.

If you are going to be all that God’s called you to be, you have to learn to avoid strife. Instead of letting disagreements pull your relationships apart, look for common ground to draw you closer to the people in your life. Look for peace. Look for ways to be a blessing. Avoid strife so you can enjoy your life and experience the fullness of blessing God has for you.

I want to encourage you today to choose to stay above it. The discontent, the anxiety, the unrest can all be avoided when you choose to take the high road. Make the choice to seek peace and walk in love and be an example of Jesus everywhere you go. It’s more than just wearing a cross around your neck or claiming to be a Christian with your words. You have to actually LIVE IT if you expect to be believed. I’m not saying it’s always easy and I’m certainly not perfect either. But if you’ll guard yourself against falling into this trap then sit back and get ready to watch the Creator of the universe go to work fighting your battles FOR YOU.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Keep On

Is there something you’re believing God for today? Does it seem like it’s taking a long time to come to pass? Be encouraged because the bible says that through faith and patience you will inherit His promises. Not maybe or probably but you WILL inherit His promises. If you’ll stay in faith, declare with me, you will see that situation turn around!

The problem is that most people give up just before they get their miracle. They stop when things get hard or it takes longer than they thought it should. But the bible says to, “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.” Let this reassure you, when you continually ask and continually seek God you WILL see that promise come to pass!

Today, I want to encourage you to submit your worries to God; keep an attitude of faith and expectancy. Trust that God is working behind the scenes right now in this very moment. He’s deeply concerned about whatever concerns you, and He has a plan to not only bring you out but bring you out better off than even you could ask for. Don’t give up! Thank Him for His promises and remember that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek after Him!

Monday, July 22, 2013


Hebrews 11:6 says that God rewards those who diligently seek Him. I want to help you stop thinking one way and start believing and receiving a new way. Deep inside your spirit I want you to receive this truth – that God is a rewarder and He wants to reward you! There are no limits to His rewards. And with God, it’s never a competition between His children because He has unlimited resources. God’s rewards come because you get up every day and seek His best in every situation of life.

No matter where you are today, let me encourage you to keep going, keep seeking and start believing that God has many rewards in store for you. You can look for and expect God’s rewards when you seek Him – it’s that simple. The bible records over 7,000 promises from God. 7,000! He’ll give you wisdom, favor, strength, direction, provision, healing and a greater measure of His peace. God wants you to EXPECT Him to reward you!

Even if you feel like you’ve slipped too far away from Him, that’s impossible! God is always with you and all you have to do is begin right now, right this moment, seeking Him again. The reward comes in the “seeking.” God says that if you will seek Him with all your heart, HE WILL REWARD YOU. You don’t have to be anything, accomplish anything or do anything — you just need a heart that seeks the life God already desires to give you.

God hasn’t blessed me because I’m the smartest or the most talented (believe me, I know I’m not). He’s blessed me because I diligently seek Him. In my own strength, I falter, I grow weary, I make mistakes… but I know the one thing I can do that will ALWAYS give me an advantage is choose to seek God’s will for my life every day. When you keep God first place in your life you won’t be able to contain all the good things He pours into your life. He’ll open the right doors, lead you to the right people and cause you to be at the right place at the right time. I want you to get ready today because God is going to reward you with favor and honor and everything you need to be blessed and fulfilled in life. Keep seeking God and watch what happens!

Sunday, July 21, 2013


The word “enthusiasm” comes from the Greek word “entheos.” “Theos” is God. When you’re enthusiastic, it simply means you are full of God. When you get up in the morning excited about your future, recognizing that day is a gift and go out with a spring in your step, pursuing your goals and passionate about life, then God will breathe in your direction. Studies even tell us that people who are enthusiastic get better breaks. They’re promoted more often. That’s not a coincidence.

When you’re full of passion, you have the favor of God. Remember, God didn’t breathe His life into us to drag through the day. He didn’t create us in His image, crown us with His favor, and equip us with His power to just go through the motions of life. And I feel especially called to tell you this, God wouldn’t have given you the strength to get you back on your feet so you could just go running back to the same thing or person that knocked you down.

You may have had some setbacks, the wind may have been taken out of your sail, but this is a new day! God wants to breathe new life back into you! When you’re in agreement with God, He will cause the winds of favor to shift in your direction! If you’ll get your passion back, I declare that you will see God do a new and amazing work in your life!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Am I Really Good Enough?

Have you ever thought that maybe you’ve made too many mistakes or are too far gone for God to want anything more to do with you? Well, no matter what people or your own thoughts may have tried to convince you of, the truth is that nothing is more important to God than you! Every detail of your life matters to Him. Scripture tells us that He even counts the very hairs on your head. He bottles your tears and holds them as precious. You are important to Him, and nothing that concerns you is too big or too small for God!

And did you know that when you compare yourself to others or wish you were like someone else, it’s like saying God just didn’t do a good job? Realize friends, God didn’t make anyone inferior. No, you are a masterpiece! You are totally equipped for the life that’s been carefully designed for you! You just have to accept this truth and belieeeve it.

If you’ve had negative words spoken over you, you’re going to have to get proactive and start replacing them by declaring the truth of God’s Word. Declare, “God loves me and I matter to Him. I may not look like someone else or have the job that someone else has but that’s okay because I’m anointed by the Creator of the universe to be me!” Don’t fall into the trap of trying to be like someone else. Accept who God made you to be and embrace the amazing things He has prepared for you!

Today, I want to encourage you to choose to cast your cares on God and thank Him because He’s working right now behind the scenes, perfecting everything in your life according to His awesome plan for you! As you begin to switch the negative thoughts with the truth, your life will begin to change. You will see a transformation in your thinking. You’ll feel His love like you never have before and you’ll experience His goodness and favor in ways you’ve never dared to even imagine!

Thursday, July 18, 2013


Did you know that God was thinking about you before you were ever born? He knew everything about you before you were in your mother’s womb. He said, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew and approved of you...” He created you on purpose, for a purpose. He carefully planned who you would be, the color of your hair, the color of your eyes and skin. He gave you gifts, talents and abilities to be used for His glory. He took one look at you and said, “Approved.”

No matter how you may be feeling right now, no matter who’s approval you didn’t get on this earth, know that God loves you and approves of you today. There’s nothing you can do now, or ever, to change that. You may be thinking, “I’ve made so many mistakes, how can God approve of me?” Understand that when God sees you, He separates you from your behavior. He may not approve of your actions all the time, but He desires to help you grow and make better choices.

Today, decide to release all of the worry and insecurity the enemy is trying to use to keep you feeling less-than. God created you with everything you need to live a victorious life. You just have to accept that truth instead of the lies people (even yourself) have tried to convince you of. The enemy will keep reminding you of mistakes you’ve made to show how you’re not worthy of God’s love or being used in a great way for God. Friends, that’s simply not true! God loves you and is only waiting on YOU to decide that enough is enough!

The enemy has stolen so much from you already, why let him have any more of your peace, your joy, your potential? It is NEVER too late with God! He is eagerly waiting for you to turn to Him and receive His love and acceptance. Allow Him to work in your life. Allow His love to empower and strengthen you because you are approved and equipped to live in victory ALL the days of your life… you just have to believe it!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Prep School for Greatness

We are all part of God’s kingdom. We all play a specific role. Just like the body, the hand does different things than the eyes and the heart does different things than the brain, but they’re all very important. We’re all gifted with different skills and talents, but they are designed to come together and produce a well-functioning purpose.

You may think you’re advanced way beyond your current station in life. Guess what, you’re probably right! See, a lion is a lion from the second it’s conceived, but it’s not going to be king of the jungle at that stage. There’s A LOT of learning and growing and demonstrating to come before they take charge of their own group. The same is true with you and I. We are absolutely, undeniably very important on this earth and have great things to offer, but we have a lot of developing to do before we will ever assume our rightful role. A doctor has the ability to be a doctor before they ever go to college but if they choose to not make use of that ability they will never be a doctor. It’s OUR choice.

Are you allowing words spoken over you, maybe even by your own mouth, to keep you stuck where you are right now? Have you allowed the troubles in your life to be the excuse that holds you back? The bible says that God created your inmost being; that He knit you together in your mother’s womb. It says that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Can I get a, “Wow?!” What are you doing with the potential God placed in you? Are you identifying it, accepting it, being responsible for it, developing it? Don’t let any human being (including YOU) talk you out of the great things Your heavenly Parent designed on the inside of you!

But before you can experience the benefit of that skill-set you have to submit to God. Like any school or type of training program, you have to pay attention to the instructor and pass the tests if you expect to graduate. Just like if you were choosing who would run the departments of a business you owned, to make it the most successful it can be, you would seek out the most suitable individuals. God wants to see that demonstrated out of us before He promotes us, too.

God really wants to move you up into a greater level of blessing but He has to be sure that you’re going to be able to handle that position responsibly. Take an honest look at yourself. Are you behaving in ways that would prove to Him you’re ready for a higher level? Remember the bible scripture I quoted the other day, “To whom much is given, much is required.” Wealth, status, fame, power, each and every one of those things come with a price. God has to test you and develop you so that you are ready and steady enough to handle all that comes with that amazing level of blessing. It takes maturity and stability and internal fortitude to manage staying power at that level… and God knows it.

Many people will gladly admit they’re happy to do line work just to avoid the “headache” of the greater responsibility that comes with management.  If that’s you, so be it. Just don’t complain about it all the days of your life. I’ve met joyful burger flippers and miserable CEO’s. You need to find the point of happiness for you and stick to it. But if you’re not satisfied with your current station in life let me encourage you. If you will submit to God’s training program, it may not be the easiest thing you’ve ever gone through (neither is Harvard or Broadway) but I assure you of this – you will come to the most fulfilling, prosperous, joyful point of your earthly existence!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Trappings of Judging Others

We all know that we shouldn’t preach one thing then do another. The bible says that not only how you judge but also to the full extent of how you judge will be measured back to you that same way.

One of the enemy’s main jobs is to influence us toward bad behavior and that’s another reason I talk so much about being careful who gets close to you. Anytime I see my behavior starting to slip into the negative, I evaluate any recent changes in my life. Who I’ve been hanging out with, what I’ve been thinking about, what kinds of choices I’ve been making, etc. Being less patient/ more temperamental. Eating less healthy/ exercising less. Drinking alcohol more often/ more excessively. We all know when we’re falling short of our best. But recognizing this isn’t enough. We made choices that led us off-track so we must take corrective action and make better choices to get ourselves back on-track.   

What’s worse than the sneaky way hypocrisy can manifest is when it’s deliberate, because then you’re knowingly misrepresenting God. The bible warns against practicing your righteousness before other people just to be seen by them because, though it may make you look good to people you rob yourself of any reward from God. And that’s the type of person so reprehensively referred to in Matthew 15:7-9, “You who pretend to be someone you are not, Isaiah told about you. He said, ’These people show respect to Me with their mouth, but their heart is far from Me. Their worship of Me is worth nothing.’” Ouch.

The bible says that anyone who claims to love God but hates someone is a liar. For instance, you can claim to be an apple tree but if you only produce lemons… you’re not an apple tree. You can’t claim one thing then act in a contrary way and expect to be believed. Maybe you claim to be trustworthy but you lied to or cheated on someone. Or you claim to be a Christian but the way you speak/act, no one could tell. Romans 2:3 warns that, “You that judge those who practice things that you do yourself will not escape the judgment of God” – so believe me, I’m not judging. I know I have to be mindful of this myself; we’re all in the same boat.

Here’s another one of the judgment traps, maybe you don't drink but you smoke. Or you don't have a problem with patience but you do with pride. Or you’re understanding with your loved ones but not everyone. You would never park in a handicap space yet you speed every day. It’s easy to develop the habit of judging others in areas we’re not personally tempted in but then get upset when they judge us in the same manner. None of us are without faults and we have to be sure to keep this in mind when interacting with others. Just because your issues may be different than another person’s doesn’t change the fact that we all have issues.

We are expected to be “persons of excellence.” True, it’s not our works that get us into heaven but we have a potentially long stay on this earth in the meantime. Do you want to just barely get by OR live an abundantly joyful and peaceful life while you’re here? God is the One who promotes in your life so consider this for a moment. If you had the power to promote one over another what type of person would you look for to represent you at the highest level of your organization? Hmmm.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Christian or “Christian”

Frustrated because people expect more out of you for calling yourself a Christian? Jesus said to expect it. We are called to a higher accounting. The bible says that to whom much is given, much will be required. We do more harm than good when we claim to be Christians then go out into the world and don’t act like it. I know the religious right has done a lot to hurt Jesus’ reputation. The statement Pat Robertson made the other day, which I don’t care to repeat and I’m sure you’ve already heard it anyway, is an example of why non-Christians stay non-Christians.

I have to  tell you, if that was the only sort of representation I saw of God I’d be just as turned off as a non-Christian. But even more so, we have to step it up! There are people out there in Jesus' name, doing the very opposite of what He commanded us to do, “For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: Love your neighbor as yourself.” With so much divisiveness in the world today we shouldn’t be adding to it. As Christians we are called to be persons of excellence; role models. Not to push people down or decide who is worthy or not. And we shouldn’t be claiming to be saved while we sit in church then walk out the door and act the same as everyone else.

Jesus delivered a very angry message to the religious leaders of His time for that type of behavior; He called them hypocrites! He said, “You shut the door to the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces!” You should read Matthew 23 when you get a chance. Jesus goes OFF on them, to include this excerpt, “You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.” Of course this refers to people who make sure they appear righteous on the outside but on the inside they’re as wicked as the people they pass judgment on.

I want to encourage you (as well as myself) while you’re beginning this new week, ask God to show you any way which you may be falling short in this area. Demand more accountability from yourself and to God. The last thing we want to do is add to the unfortunate idea that God doesn’t love His people unconditionally. And for those who are not yet “His people” He’s eagerly waiting for you to embrace Him and accept His precious gift of salvation! To my fellow Christians, remember when people judge you for wanting to honor God and they shun you or talk bad about you, know that you’re in good company. They beat Jesus and nailed Him to a cross. They spit on Him and cursed His name while they watched Him suffer and die. I think we can handle a little harsh judgment from others for His sake.

I’ve learned to be really thankful that I didn’t go to the smoky bar, being bumped into and drinks spilled on me, having to be anyone’s babysitter or feel like death warmed over the next day and maybe having to regret something I did/said the night before. Keep heart friends, it says in James, “You should be happy when you have all kinds of tests. You know these prove your faith. It helps you not to give up.” Put your shoulders back, be proud of who your heavenly Parent created you to be! Honor and exalt God and you will see Him show up and show OUT in your life! Have a blessed and productive week!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Better, Bigger, Brighter

Right now, whether you realize it or not, you have been divinely positioned for the next level in your God-inspired destiny. You may think things are only getting worse but let me assure you – this is the beginning of a new and awesome chapter in your life. I believe that God is already acting on your behalf. He is connecting you to the right people, making your path straight, preparing your heart for a new thing. He has more in store for you! A better opportunity, a bigger dream, a brighter future. All you have to do is step out in faith and let God move you up.

Sadly, some people never go higher. They have God-given dreams in their hearts and the promises of God on their side, but they surround themselves with cynics who choke out the greatness of their destiny. It can be easy to let those critics convince you that you’ve gone as far as you can. But what they don’t understand is that you’ve been called to go higher. Scripture says your path is getting brighter and brighter. If you’ll receive it, God will take you to a new level. Get a vision for it down in your spirit and let that seed take root today.

You might think your future doesn’t look very bright right now but God wants you to see that no obstacle will keep you down or hold you back! He is on your side! You can’t lose! Get that image of going to the next level deep down in your spirit and refuse to let it go. I want you to experience new levels in your life starting today. God created you to soar and your new chapter can start as soon as you surrender all of your plans and hopes to God and let Him take you to that next level!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Dealing With Loss

Have you gone through a loss recently that has you feeling sad and uncertain about your future? I know all-too-well how painful it can be losing someone or something meaningful. But what I want you to understand today is that God wouldn’t tie your future happiness to something that didn’t work out in your present. Joel Osteen says, “Never put a question mark where God has placed a period.” It’s not for us to know exactly why things didn’t turn out the way we thought. That’s usually our first problem anyway, we THINK we know how everything’s supposed to go. Then when God didn’t do it according to OUR plan we get upset and give into feelings of depression and confusion.

My friend, God doesn’t work that way. We get it backwards and think up our own plan then take it to God and tell Him how it’s going to be. That’s a good way to keep yourself frustrated and disappointed. “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.”, “Seek first the kingdom of God and He will supply all of your needs”… any of this ring a bell? You have to submit to HIS will – seek Him FIRST.

The bible says that no one pours NEW wine into OLD wineskins. God has to make room in your life for the new thing He wants to do. One of my favorite scriptures is in Isaiah, “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” Notice God’s question. He’s already got it figured out and lined up, all He’s waiting on is YOU to let go of the past and wrap your mind around the NEW and amazing thing He has planned for you. Are you ready for a new chapter in your life? In order to move forward into the blessings God has for you, you have to be willing to let go of the old. It’s time to get ready for the “new”!

Another favorite quote (not from the bible) of mine that I meditate on when I experience loss is, “Look on every exit as being an entrance to somewhere else.” You may have had some unfortunate things happen. But instead of allowing the enemy to use those things to hold you back, why not let go and take a step of faith? It’s time to rise up with a new attitude! Instead of struggling in hopelessness, let God pick you up and move you FORWARD. Have the attitude, “I may not understand it; it may have been unfair, but I am not getting stuck on this page. I know God has a new chapter for me — a chapter filled with blessings, favor and success!”

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Bitter Never Gets Better

No matter what’s happening in your life right now God wants you to know that He’s still in control and He knows that He promised you a prosperous future full of hope. You may be thinking of all the reasons why that doesn’t seem possible but remember, your current situation is temporary. God is still working. He said He is your Provider; that He would LIBERALLY supply all of your needs. If you’ll stand in faith and remain obedient right where you are, He has the breakthrough you need all lined up. 

I want to encourage you today, don’t get discouraged. It’s not the end. God has healing and restoration coming your way! If you’re believing for specific circumstances to turn around, know that God still has you in the palm of His hand and He promises all will work out for your very best. Don’t let the way things may look right now to take you off course. Don’t get bitter; submit to God’s will and He will make you BETTER. There’s only a one letter difference in those two words and that’s “ I ”. As in, “ I “ refuse to allow the enemy to steal anymore of my peace and joy, by staying bitter. I choose to be better and I choose to begin today!

Remember, our God doesn’t end in defeat. He didn’t say, “Some of the time, I will cause you to triumph.” No, He said, “I will ALWAYS cause you to triumph.” You may go through difficulties, through unfair situations or through betrayals, but the point is that you are going THROUGH it. You’re not staying there! Bitterness is not your normal state. You simply haven’t made it to your new destination yet. Don't keep speaking and living out bitterness. You can't go about like that yet expect to see promotion and peace in your life. If you will stay in faith, keep growing and being willing to be changed/improved by God then you will reap the benefit of the new BETTER level of prosperity and joy and peace He has prepared for you.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


God has an incredibly bright future in store for you that is filled with His blessings and favor. He’s opening new doors for you. He’s doing things on your behalf you can’t do for yourself. If you’ll trust that God has you right where He wants you He will take care of everything. He cares about every detail of your life — now and in the future. But before you begin to see that future, you have a choice to make. You can either get upset about your circumstances or you can begin to bloom right where you are.

I’ve learned that God will often seek to change us before He will change our circumstances. If you allow negative things to dominate your thoughts they're going to keep you right where you are. So if you want to see God open up new doors you have to let go of blaming others, let go of blaming yourself and decide to bloom right where God has planted you.

Enjoying and growing in the place God has you is the best thing you can do to help make something new happen. Don’t go through life thinking you’ve got too many obstacles or made too many mistakes. If you put your hope in God, get ready because He will begin to move things around in your life. You’ll be amazed at the outcome! I want you to keep this mindset and start expecting God to do big things in your life, right where you are. I encourage you to look past your circumstances and prepare yourself for all that God wants to do in your life.

I know it's easy to get in such a hurry that we sometimes forget to absorb the very moment we’re in. But you must extract all of the growth and learning God has planned for you in this stage so that you’ll be mature enough to handle the awesomeness of the next level God has waiting for you. It’s there, but how long is it going to take you to submit to this moment and pass the test you’re in? Friend, YOU are the only obstacle to that next level. Embrace today and show God that you have learned how to bloom right where you are, so that He knows you’re ready to handle all of the greatness your next chapter has lined up for you. He’s just waiting on you, don’t postpone your destiny any longer!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Your Perception Is Your Reality

What do you remember thinking when you first woke up this morning? I’m so tired. Today is going to be a rough one. I hate going to work. Well then, it’s no wonder you’re in a sour mood. The bible says that you will be transformed by the renewing of your mind. That means you can’t just keep thinking those polluted thoughts yet expect to feel refreshed and joyful. No, you have renew your thinking. Renew is a verb and verbs describe action. So, you have to DO it.

The bible also says that God set before you life and death, blessings and curses – choose life. The point here is, you have a CHOICE. He gave you free will and so you can choose how you see things. Ever wonder how two different people can go through the exact same situation but one remembers it as being better than the other person does? If you studied those two people you would find that the one who had a seemingly easier time dealing with it is a more positive thinker than the other.

Your perception is your reality. That’s why two separate people can witness the same thing and recount it differently. The matter will mean different things to different people because they all see it through their own personal view. Your experiences, feelings, and thoughts have shaped how you perceive everything around you so of course it will vary person to person. But the bible tells us we are supposed to take every thought captive. You’re going to feel what you feel but it’s how you think about it that dictates your reaction and your subsequent mood. 

I study thought-life more than any other topic because of how closely it’s linked to happiness or lack thereof. And don’t forget, it’s not a religious notion that the way you think is directly related to the quality of life you have. There are plenty of secular medical doctors, psychiatric doctors, motivational speakers, life coaches, etc., who claim this to be true, too. You will continue having the life you have until you change how you think of it. Don’t be the very person who stands in your way. It’s not cute or funny to be your own worst enemy, it’s just sad. Refuse to limit your life any longer. Say no to the negatives! Find a few scriptures that speak positive reinforcement to whatever situation you’re in and each time a negative thought pops up, replace it with one of those truths. Start talking back to the enemy and I promise you will begin to experience a more peaceful and enjoyable life.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Let Love Conquer ALL

How To Inherit God’s Promises

Sometimes, people get discouraged in life because things haven’t turned out the way they hoped so they think it’s never going to happen. But one thing we have to learn is that God honors perseverance. On the way, you may encounter some closed doors but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing. Just as God opens doors for our benefit He closes them on purpose for the same reason.

You have to remember, if God promised it then He’s going to bring it to pass. Scripture tells us that through faith and patience we inherit God’s promises. It’s not going to happen just because the promises exist. This is where faith comes in, this is where patience comes in. Just because you don’t see things happen right away doesn’t mean you should quit. No, instead, you have to soldier up and press forward. The bible says, “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.” You have to keep on believing, keep on hoping, keep on asking, because our God is ALWAYS faithful to His word!

Friend, I believe God wants to do a new an amazing thing in your life. He wants to release His blessing and favor in such a way that it’s going to boggle your mind. But you have to do your part and stand in faith. Stand against the people who tell you it’s not going to happen, stand against your own negative thoughts, stand with your head held high and your shoulders back. He is saying to us what He said to Joshua, “This day I’m going to begin to make your name great. This day I’m going to begin to release My favor in a new way. I’m going to open doors that no man can shut.” You need to make room in your thinking for this promise. Keep an attitude of faith and expectancy because your set time is here!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Bad Company – Good Band, Foolish Practice

The bible cautions against taking advice from just any ol’ body. The bible also cautions against hanging out with temperamental/unstable people. The Good Book is full of scripture that advises us to be careful who we keep company with. Why do you suppose all of the wisest people in the bible warned so often against falling into this trap? Because they knew if the enemy can capture your mind then he can steal not only your present joy but he can keep using those types of people to steal your future joy, too.

Some people, no matter what you do are not going to be for you. Even if you changed, met all of their demands and did everything they asked, they would still find something wrong. I’ve learned that we can all save a lot of heartache and frustration by learning to ignore the negative people. You don’t need those people’s approval anyway. Sure, they may get their feelings hurt and try to make you “pay” for it but if you will stay on the high road and let God fight your battles, the more they try to punish you, the more God will bless you.

I want to encourage you today to start paying closer attention to the people you allow into your inner circle. Are they adding positive things to your life, or negative? Is there someone or ones who seem to only be concerned with their needs or holding you responsible for keeping them happy? God said if you trust in Him that He would not only bring you out of that bad situation but He would prepare a table of victory for you in front of the very people who tried to bring you down. If you’ll keep focused on the amazing future God promised you and learn to ignore the nonsense of that bad company, you will see your life move forward into the FULLNESS of blessing God has prepared for you!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Getting Back On Track

God promises in His Word to bring you times of refreshing. He doesn’t want you to live overwhelmed, in despair, or weighted down by problems in this life. Scripture says that His burden is easy and His load is light. That means He wants you to live without feeling constant pressure. He doesn’t expect you to figure everything out, because He already has a good plan for you.

One of the ways people feel heavy and overwhelmed in this life is by carrying unnecessary burdens or taking on responsibility that God never required. When we get off track with Him things become more difficult. Anxiety and guilt can creep in and cause us to doubt and fear and lose our peace.

God said He wants to do a new and amazing thing in your life, but that you have to realize it and embrace it. If you’ve found yourself consumed by worry or despair lately, today is a great day to begin getting back on track! Why don’t you turn to God with an open and humble heart? I want to strongly encourage you to let go of the past, the mistakes, the things that didn't work out. Let go and allow God to turn the page in your story, so you can start moving forward. Receive His love and grace and seek His will for your life. He promised you a prosperous future – let Him start it now!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

In Your Darkest Hour

I have a few different people in my life who mean a lot to me that are going through very serious tests right now. It breaks my heart but I know I can’t do anything for any of them except speak what God puts on me to say. I was just now remembering that the last thing Jesus said on the cross was, "It is finished." And at that moment it certainly looked like it was over. But even though it looked like the end, in reality, we know it was only the beginning.

I know it’s so hard to do when you’re in your darkest hour but you really must remember to speak in terms of faith. Check the bible – nothing moves the hand of God quicker than faith! So even though you’re not sure how it’s all going to work out, even if you feel helpless and hopeless, you have to keep declaring His promises over your circumstances. It will not only set Him up better for the great miracle He’s about to perform in your life but it will bring calm to you in the meantime. I’ve learned that God sometimes won’t change our circumstances until we submit to being changed by Him ourselves. We’re thinking, “If only my circumstances would change,” when God may be thinking, “If only your attitude would change.”

I urge you to make today the day you refuse to allow how negative things may seem right now to direct whether you keep your faith in God or not. You have to remember that the Creator of the universe is still in control. And He not only knows every detail of your situation but He’s promised to take EVEN THAT WHICH WAS MEANT TO HARM YOU and turn it around to bring you up into that next greater level He has prepared for you. Friends, keep declaring your faith in God’s promises and get ready because I believe you’re about to see that painful situation turn around! Declare with me by faith, we are beginning a new and amazing chapter in God’s plan – TODAY!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

God Hasn’t Forgotten About You!

We’ve all been in seasons of life when we feel like everything is coming against us and/or we’re not where we think we should be. In these times it’s tempting to let discouragement and doubt take away the peace and excitement you once had. But scripture says that even if you’re walking through the valley of death, God is with you so you don’t have to fear any evil.

You may be in one of those dark seasons right now, struggling in your spirit to make it day to day. But friend, that’s not the way God wants you to live. He tells us all throughout scripture that He is always with us, and especially in the difficult times. Even if you can’t see a way out right now, let me encourage you today that He will make a way!

The key is, don’t dwell on the negative. Instead, be determined to declare what GOD says about you and your life. Declare by faith that no weapon formed against you shall prosper! Declare by faith that His blessings are chasing you down! Keep believing and keep hoping because God IS with you. He loves you and already lined up the solution for your problem before you ever knew about it. Let me confirm for you right now that God cares very much about your situation. He wants to bring you out, so please do your part and keep your faith in Him. He still has an amazing future in store for you!

Monday, July 1, 2013

How Being More Fruitful Leads to Being More Blessed

The bible says that God cuts off every branch in us that bears no fruit and also prunes every branch that does bear fruit so that it will be even more fruitful. We all go through the pruning process. God will prune our lives so that we can bear more fruit, BETTER fruit. To “prune” means something is cut away, something is removed. This could be a situation, a person whose close to you, or even an opportunity you thought was a right move.

Friend, God knows what and who you need in your life in order to grow and flourish. Sometimes when things happen that we don’t understand we have to just trust that He is working behind the scenes for our good (like He promised). This season you’re in is only happening because He’s preparing you to go to a higher level! I hear Joel Osteen say a lot, “Don’t put a question mark where God has placed a period.” If it’s happening there is a VERY good reason for it and what’s more, you can trust that He’s using this to benefit you somehow.

When you’re going through things like this, the test is not allowing yourself to get bitter. Have the attitude, “God, I let this go and trust that what You have in my future will be greater than what I’m letting go of.” If you will accept the change(s) and stay in faith God WILL open new doors, bring new opportunities, new relationships, and take you to a higher level of blessing!