Saturday, July 6, 2013

Bad Company – Good Band, Foolish Practice

The bible cautions against taking advice from just any ol’ body. The bible also cautions against hanging out with temperamental/unstable people. The Good Book is full of scripture that advises us to be careful who we keep company with. Why do you suppose all of the wisest people in the bible warned so often against falling into this trap? Because they knew if the enemy can capture your mind then he can steal not only your present joy but he can keep using those types of people to steal your future joy, too.

Some people, no matter what you do are not going to be for you. Even if you changed, met all of their demands and did everything they asked, they would still find something wrong. I’ve learned that we can all save a lot of heartache and frustration by learning to ignore the negative people. You don’t need those people’s approval anyway. Sure, they may get their feelings hurt and try to make you “pay” for it but if you will stay on the high road and let God fight your battles, the more they try to punish you, the more God will bless you.

I want to encourage you today to start paying closer attention to the people you allow into your inner circle. Are they adding positive things to your life, or negative? Is there someone or ones who seem to only be concerned with their needs or holding you responsible for keeping them happy? God said if you trust in Him that He would not only bring you out of that bad situation but He would prepare a table of victory for you in front of the very people who tried to bring you down. If you’ll keep focused on the amazing future God promised you and learn to ignore the nonsense of that bad company, you will see your life move forward into the FULLNESS of blessing God has prepared for you!

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