Monday, July 15, 2013

Christian or “Christian”

Frustrated because people expect more out of you for calling yourself a Christian? Jesus said to expect it. We are called to a higher accounting. The bible says that to whom much is given, much will be required. We do more harm than good when we claim to be Christians then go out into the world and don’t act like it. I know the religious right has done a lot to hurt Jesus’ reputation. The statement Pat Robertson made the other day, which I don’t care to repeat and I’m sure you’ve already heard it anyway, is an example of why non-Christians stay non-Christians.

I have to  tell you, if that was the only sort of representation I saw of God I’d be just as turned off as a non-Christian. But even more so, we have to step it up! There are people out there in Jesus' name, doing the very opposite of what He commanded us to do, “For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: Love your neighbor as yourself.” With so much divisiveness in the world today we shouldn’t be adding to it. As Christians we are called to be persons of excellence; role models. Not to push people down or decide who is worthy or not. And we shouldn’t be claiming to be saved while we sit in church then walk out the door and act the same as everyone else.

Jesus delivered a very angry message to the religious leaders of His time for that type of behavior; He called them hypocrites! He said, “You shut the door to the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces!” You should read Matthew 23 when you get a chance. Jesus goes OFF on them, to include this excerpt, “You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.” Of course this refers to people who make sure they appear righteous on the outside but on the inside they’re as wicked as the people they pass judgment on.

I want to encourage you (as well as myself) while you’re beginning this new week, ask God to show you any way which you may be falling short in this area. Demand more accountability from yourself and to God. The last thing we want to do is add to the unfortunate idea that God doesn’t love His people unconditionally. And for those who are not yet “His people” He’s eagerly waiting for you to embrace Him and accept His precious gift of salvation! To my fellow Christians, remember when people judge you for wanting to honor God and they shun you or talk bad about you, know that you’re in good company. They beat Jesus and nailed Him to a cross. They spit on Him and cursed His name while they watched Him suffer and die. I think we can handle a little harsh judgment from others for His sake.

I’ve learned to be really thankful that I didn’t go to the smoky bar, being bumped into and drinks spilled on me, having to be anyone’s babysitter or feel like death warmed over the next day and maybe having to regret something I did/said the night before. Keep heart friends, it says in James, “You should be happy when you have all kinds of tests. You know these prove your faith. It helps you not to give up.” Put your shoulders back, be proud of who your heavenly Parent created you to be! Honor and exalt God and you will see Him show up and show OUT in your life! Have a blessed and productive week!

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