Friday, July 19, 2013

Am I Really Good Enough?

Have you ever thought that maybe you’ve made too many mistakes or are too far gone for God to want anything more to do with you? Well, no matter what people or your own thoughts may have tried to convince you of, the truth is that nothing is more important to God than you! Every detail of your life matters to Him. Scripture tells us that He even counts the very hairs on your head. He bottles your tears and holds them as precious. You are important to Him, and nothing that concerns you is too big or too small for God!

And did you know that when you compare yourself to others or wish you were like someone else, it’s like saying God just didn’t do a good job? Realize friends, God didn’t make anyone inferior. No, you are a masterpiece! You are totally equipped for the life that’s been carefully designed for you! You just have to accept this truth and belieeeve it.

If you’ve had negative words spoken over you, you’re going to have to get proactive and start replacing them by declaring the truth of God’s Word. Declare, “God loves me and I matter to Him. I may not look like someone else or have the job that someone else has but that’s okay because I’m anointed by the Creator of the universe to be me!” Don’t fall into the trap of trying to be like someone else. Accept who God made you to be and embrace the amazing things He has prepared for you!

Today, I want to encourage you to choose to cast your cares on God and thank Him because He’s working right now behind the scenes, perfecting everything in your life according to His awesome plan for you! As you begin to switch the negative thoughts with the truth, your life will begin to change. You will see a transformation in your thinking. You’ll feel His love like you never have before and you’ll experience His goodness and favor in ways you’ve never dared to even imagine!

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