Tuesday, July 9, 2013


God has an incredibly bright future in store for you that is filled with His blessings and favor. He’s opening new doors for you. He’s doing things on your behalf you can’t do for yourself. If you’ll trust that God has you right where He wants you He will take care of everything. He cares about every detail of your life — now and in the future. But before you begin to see that future, you have a choice to make. You can either get upset about your circumstances or you can begin to bloom right where you are.

I’ve learned that God will often seek to change us before He will change our circumstances. If you allow negative things to dominate your thoughts they're going to keep you right where you are. So if you want to see God open up new doors you have to let go of blaming others, let go of blaming yourself and decide to bloom right where God has planted you.

Enjoying and growing in the place God has you is the best thing you can do to help make something new happen. Don’t go through life thinking you’ve got too many obstacles or made too many mistakes. If you put your hope in God, get ready because He will begin to move things around in your life. You’ll be amazed at the outcome! I want you to keep this mindset and start expecting God to do big things in your life, right where you are. I encourage you to look past your circumstances and prepare yourself for all that God wants to do in your life.

I know it's easy to get in such a hurry that we sometimes forget to absorb the very moment we’re in. But you must extract all of the growth and learning God has planned for you in this stage so that you’ll be mature enough to handle the awesomeness of the next level God has waiting for you. It’s there, but how long is it going to take you to submit to this moment and pass the test you’re in? Friend, YOU are the only obstacle to that next level. Embrace today and show God that you have learned how to bloom right where you are, so that He knows you’re ready to handle all of the greatness your next chapter has lined up for you. He’s just waiting on you, don’t postpone your destiny any longer!


  1. You are SO spot-on!!! Reminds me of the old hippie (Zen?) saying: BE HERE NOW!

    I'm trying! I know sometimes I must be very trying... But God is so patient. HE has all the time in the world. But WE don't!)

  2. I think most of us have to stay on top of the urge to get ahead of ourselves. I know I have to remind myself often to be present in the moment :) Time is the only thing we can't make more of once it's gone.
