Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Prep School for Greatness

We are all part of God’s kingdom. We all play a specific role. Just like the body, the hand does different things than the eyes and the heart does different things than the brain, but they’re all very important. We’re all gifted with different skills and talents, but they are designed to come together and produce a well-functioning purpose.

You may think you’re advanced way beyond your current station in life. Guess what, you’re probably right! See, a lion is a lion from the second it’s conceived, but it’s not going to be king of the jungle at that stage. There’s A LOT of learning and growing and demonstrating to come before they take charge of their own group. The same is true with you and I. We are absolutely, undeniably very important on this earth and have great things to offer, but we have a lot of developing to do before we will ever assume our rightful role. A doctor has the ability to be a doctor before they ever go to college but if they choose to not make use of that ability they will never be a doctor. It’s OUR choice.

Are you allowing words spoken over you, maybe even by your own mouth, to keep you stuck where you are right now? Have you allowed the troubles in your life to be the excuse that holds you back? The bible says that God created your inmost being; that He knit you together in your mother’s womb. It says that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Can I get a, “Wow?!” What are you doing with the potential God placed in you? Are you identifying it, accepting it, being responsible for it, developing it? Don’t let any human being (including YOU) talk you out of the great things Your heavenly Parent designed on the inside of you!

But before you can experience the benefit of that skill-set you have to submit to God. Like any school or type of training program, you have to pay attention to the instructor and pass the tests if you expect to graduate. Just like if you were choosing who would run the departments of a business you owned, to make it the most successful it can be, you would seek out the most suitable individuals. God wants to see that demonstrated out of us before He promotes us, too.

God really wants to move you up into a greater level of blessing but He has to be sure that you’re going to be able to handle that position responsibly. Take an honest look at yourself. Are you behaving in ways that would prove to Him you’re ready for a higher level? Remember the bible scripture I quoted the other day, “To whom much is given, much is required.” Wealth, status, fame, power, each and every one of those things come with a price. God has to test you and develop you so that you are ready and steady enough to handle all that comes with that amazing level of blessing. It takes maturity and stability and internal fortitude to manage staying power at that level… and God knows it.

Many people will gladly admit they’re happy to do line work just to avoid the “headache” of the greater responsibility that comes with management.  If that’s you, so be it. Just don’t complain about it all the days of your life. I’ve met joyful burger flippers and miserable CEO’s. You need to find the point of happiness for you and stick to it. But if you’re not satisfied with your current station in life let me encourage you. If you will submit to God’s training program, it may not be the easiest thing you’ve ever gone through (neither is Harvard or Broadway) but I assure you of this – you will come to the most fulfilling, prosperous, joyful point of your earthly existence!

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