Saturday, August 31, 2013

Multiplied Blessings

Are you struggling to make ends meet right now? Is your faith dwindling? Is the enemy trying to convince you that this is all you have to look forward to? Get this down in your spirit right now, it doesn’t matter what your need is today because the bible says God made a solemn pledge to you, that He would multiply you exceedingly. God longs to increase you so take heart!

One time God simply multiplied the sound of four men’s footsteps and caused them to sound like a mighty army. When their enemies heard them coming they took off running. Picture that, thousands of trained warriors running for their lives, thinking they were being attacked by a massive army when in fact it was just four people.

Friend, God knows how to multiply your money, influence, strength, talent, whatever you need. You don’t have to figure it all out. All you have to do is believe. If you will release your faith and get up every day expecting God’s promise of far and beyond favor then you’re going to see God show up and do amazing things. Declare with me, He will bless you beyond your wildest dreams and multiply you in every area of your life!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Ever-Present Help

The bible says, “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” This means God is always present, continually, all the time. So be encouraged because in your times of trouble He promises to help you. How is He your help? “Help” means something different to each person. That’s because “help” is specific to your need. But God always knows exactly what you need and has promised to LIBERALLY provide it!

Are you facing trouble or adversity? Are you feeling discouraged about something you’ve been asking God for? Understand that the enemy always fights the hardest when he knows you are closest to your breakthrough. He would leave you alone if he thought you were going to be satisfied living in mediocrity. Remember that the Israelites were right next to their promised land when they let the enemy talk them out of taking it. They said, “There are giants in the land. It’s too difficult.”

What are you allowing yourself to believe today? You think God isn’t interested in what concerns you? You think you’ve messed up one too many opportunities and now God has given up on you? Sweetheart, no! God loves you beyond the most perfect love you can imagine. He is patient and forgiving and all He wants is for you to trust Him. He’s made many promises to you as His precious child. The bible says He wants to prosper you and protect you and cause you to triumph in every area of life. He wants you to grow and love and be loved. Begin TRULY trusting in Him and you will see!

Friends, don’t focus on the obstacles in your life today. Don’t believe the enemy’s discouragement. Focus on the fact that that God is always with you. Look to Him for help. Trust that He is working things out to be BETTER for you; to bring you up higher. Choose to stand in faith and keep praying because I believe you’re so close to seeing your situation turn around. Don’t give up now! As you continue to follow God’s will He’ll be your ever-present help and cause things to shift in your favor.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Heavy Is The Head That Wears The Crown

This is an adaptation of a quote from Shakespeare's “Henry IV.” The bible puts it like this, “To whom much is given, much will be expected.” When God called Joyce Meyer to go to a higher level all of her friends rejected her and she was asked to leave her church. She said she was lonely for a while but it was in that time that she became much closer to God and stronger in her character. God used that time to draw her close and prepare her to be able to maintain the position of awesome blessing and impact she’s had all of these years.

Before you experience a positive shift in your situation it may be that you have to let go of some things that are currently holding you back. This may mean losing friends; you may have to be lonely for a while. I myself have gone through this a few times in my life; slipping into behaviors that weren’t God’s best for me. I always knew in my heart it was because of the company I was keeping so I had to change that and trust God to bring me better company – which He’s always done.

The bible says, “Those who walk with the wise become wise but those who associate with fools become a fool and shall suffer for it.” If someone decides it’s cool to get drunk all the time or be selfish or drop “F bombs” every other word or be rude to others, that’s THEIR choice and though it’s not your duty to change them it’s also not your duty to follow them.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m certainly not saying that having an alcoholic beverage disqualifies you from God’s blessing. I mean come on, the very first miracle Jesus performed was turning water into wine :] But there is a difference between having a drink vs. having to get drunk because you won’t control yourself. Being a hard worker is commendable BUT if you’re working so much that you can’t take time to enjoy your life – that’s not good. The bible says it’s not necessarily the thing that’s bad but if that thing (or person) causes you to behave against God’s will then it is bad for you.

Friends, choosing a healthier way of life (physically AND spiritually) doesn’t mean giving up “fun.” I still have a lots of fun and of course no one misses feeling sick the day after or having to perform the awkward task of apologizing for some drunken behavior. If you truly want to turn your situation around you’re going to have to start putting action behind those desires and show God you’re committed to doing whatever it takes. Trust Him; He never asks you to give up something unless He has something better in store for you!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Tend To The Seeds

When God created you He deposited in you everything that you need in order to fulfill your calling. He gave you the desire and the ability. Maybe you don’t feel that way today but let me reassure you, He equipped you with specific gifts and talents so know that no dream you can dream is too big – no challenge is too great. He wouldn’t have put that dream in your heart if He didn’t have every intention of bringing it to pass.

What happens a lot of times is that people don’t recognize what’s been placed within them because at first maybe it seems subtle. It starts out in seed form but just like planting a seed and tending to it will help it grow and develop fruit, when you tend to the seeds inside of you, they will begin to produce also. How do you tend to the seeds? By reading, studying and meditating on what God says about you; by keeping Him first place in your life and following His directions.

Just always remember, even if you aren’t clear about God’s plan for your life, when You put Him first place He promises to lead and guide you. As you draw close to Him, He will reveal His purpose for your life to you. Show Him that you honor Him in everything you do and He will bring you into that breakthrough you’re hoping for! 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Help Is On The Way

I’ve learned that when the enemy attacks, God does react. God doesn’t just sit back and watch. No, He goes to work. You are His most prized possession! The bible says, “God is close to those that are hurting. God is close to the broken hearted.” He loves you and cares deeply about everything you’re dealing with. There is purpose even when we don’t understand it. Trust that this is going to work out to your benefit.

God knows when you’ve gotten bad news from the doctor. He knows when you’re struggling in your finances. He knows when you’re being mistreated. You may not see anything happening but you can be assured that your loving Parent is not only aware but He’s at work, turning that which was meant for your harm into good.

The bible says, “With us is the Lord our God, to help us and to fight our battles.” You need to trust that He already has the solution. If you will stay in faith, at the right time, He will release His favor, His healing; restoration in your finances, in your love life. Trust that right now He is working behind the scenes in your life and He will bring you out of this difficulty. He will not only bring you out but He will bring you out better off than you were before!

Monday, August 26, 2013


We all know the saying, “Actions speak louder than words.” I think it’s easy to get caught up in words and maybe forget that just because we say it doesn’t mean people have to believe us. You can’t just say something but not back it up with action and expect that people won’t take notice of that little inconsistency. The bible says we shouldn’t merely SAY something but we are to show THE TRUTH of what we say by our ACTIONS.

I was watching Joyce Meyer the other day and she said, if you really want to know the true nature of a person watch how they act (1) in hard times, (2) when they have to wait longer than they would like for something, and (3) when someone else gets something they’ve been wanting for themselves but they don’t have it yet. Words are easy but if you really want to know the truth about a person watch their actions.

And think about this, the enemy isn’t going to stop coming at you because you declared a promise from God over your life one time this morning. You have to be persistent if you want to keep ahead of the enemy’s attacks. The bible warns us, be self-controlled and alert; your enemy prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. So you can’t expect to just say something one time and have that sink down in your spirit deep enough that you automatically start exhibiting the behavior behind that statement.

As you begin this week I want to encourage you to MEDITATE on the words of God. I think most of us intend on doing the right thing, the mature thing, the courageous thing, but we all need encouragement to stand firm on such things. The bible says that even King David; the apple of God’s eye; a man after God’s own heart, had to encourage himself. Many times we can find ourselves amongst people who couldn’t care less or may be just too wrapped up in their own stuff to notice yours so you have to get in the habit of encouraging yourself.

This is why it’s so important to learn and meditate on the promises of God, so you can fight against becoming one of those people who merely say it but don’t live it. That kind of example makes you look hypocritical and that can turn people away. The enemy wants nothing more than to make you the least effective in God’s name as possible. Please join me in focusing more on how our actions do or don’t line up with our words so that not only can we benefit by how this improves our character but also sets a better example for others. Commit to this and you will see God take you to that place of greater blessing you’re praying for!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Start Preparing For That Higher Level

I was walking out to my truck yesterday morning and had to step over a caterpillar. It started me thinking how before it becomes a butterfly it’s wrapped in a dark cocoon on the backside of some tree. It could seem like that’s all it was meant to do. But inside that cocoon, we all know it’s getting ready to transform into one of the most beautiful insects God ever created.

Friends, we all go through seasons of struggle but during those times we have to remember that the Creator of the universe is greater than any struggle we face. God takes those challenges and uses them to strengthen you so that you can become the full, amazing manifestation of who He’s created you to be and have all of the awesome blessings He’s specially designed for your life.

As it becomes a butterfly though, the caterpillar doesn’t just sit and wait for someone to come and let it out. No, that butterfly knows that it has to use that time to prepare if it’s going to be strong enough to fly at just the prescribed right time. In the same way, we have to do something to get out of the confining places we’re in. You have to actively seek your way out of the dead-end job, the wrong relationship, the self-defeating mindset. We have to press through if we ever want to get to that next higher level God destined you for.

Today, no matter what you may be facing, remember the bible says God’s grace is sufficient for you. I really like the NLV version, “I am all you need. I give you My loving-favor. My power works best in weak people.” It’s okay to feel weak, because God never intended for any of us to navigate this life on our own. Put and keep your faith in God so that He can lead you into the higher level of blessing He has waiting for you!

Friday, August 23, 2013


I wrote yesterday about how God wants to give you rest and today I still feel like I need to impress upon you how much God wants to refresh and restore you. I know it’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of life but before long your mind and emotions get so frazzled that you can’t even think. Dear, sweet, self-appointed savers of the universe, you need to accept the fact that the earth will continue to spin even if you take a teensy weensy time-out just for you.

News bulletin: God wants you to enjoy your life! That’s why the bible says He sent Jesus not to just save us from our sin debt but so that we might have AND ENJOY our lives. God tells us to come to Him because He wants to take care of everything that concerns us; so that we can find rest and rejuvenation. But of course we must do our part. We have to ask and release the situation(s) to Him, then stand in faith to receive this  promise.

Imagine how you would feel if someone came up to you right now and said, “Give me all of your monthly bills, I’m going to pay them.” You’d get pretty excited, wouldn’t you? I know I would! But this help couldn’t take place until you did your part to actually hand that person your bills. They can’t pay them for you if you never give them over. It’s the same way once we release our cares and concerns to God – He will take care of them but we have to GIVE THEM OVER.

Today, I want to encourage you to truly and completely release your worries to God. Why keep them for yourself to bear alone? God said He would fight your battles FOR YOU. He said He’s going before you, making your crooked places straight. He said He not only knows your needs but has promised to LIBERALLY supply them to you. Seek Him on this and I declare that you will find the rest and peace you’re searching for!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

TAKE The Time

Sometimes it’s easy to get wrapped up in taking care of the people around us. You may find that you’re always giving, taking care of anyone who needs it, whenever they need it or working overtime at work every time they ask, even if your needs have to be shelved to meet that request. Being helpful and selfless is good, but if you’re not careful you can end up feeling rundown. That’s why you have to take time every day to get filled back up.

Your first priority should be taking care of yourself and making sure your relationship with God is strong and solid. If you let yourself get worn out you become less energetic and less joyful. When you don’t take time to get renewed and rejuvenated it hinders your ability to grow and develop how God intended you to. Everyone gets 24 hours a day and believe it or not, there are people getting more done than you. That’s not meant to condemn you but hopefully to inspire you to fit it in somehow. It’s for YOUR own sanity and stability.

Throughout scripture we see that in God’s presence there is fullness of joy, fullness of peace, and fullness of victory. That’s why it’s so important to take time every day to meditate on His promises. We have to be diligent to have that quiet time with Him. The bible says, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Who gives you rest? God! What do you have to do to get it? Come to Him!

Today, be sure to take time to get alone with your loving Creator and just BE with Him. Cast your cares on Him. Declare His promises over each situation you’re concerned about. When you take the time to do this, you’ll sense that you’re being refreshed, restored, and reenergized. Seek God in every area of your life and He will show you what and how to do whatever you’re called to do. Keep allowing Him to direct your steps and you’ll see Him lead you to that place of amazing blessing you’ve been praying for.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Fear Not

Are you facing a situation that seems impossible? Have you been struggling in a certain area of your life for a long time? Don’t make the mistake of going around talking about how big the problem is. Don’t go around confessing that you’re never going to make it. No, the bible says that the power of life and death are in the words you speak, and that you will eat the fruit it produces. Be very careful what words you’re allowing yourself to declare over your life.

One tactic I discovered to be very helpful in keeping focused and encouraged when the enemy is trying to attack is I find the promises of God that deal with the specific situation I’m up against and start declaring them over my life. When you realize God’s hand of favor is upon you, you will be able to overcome the doubt, the fear, the worry. Each time the enemy puts those things on you, bat them down with GOD’s words.

“Fear not, for I am with you.” “Be not dismayed, for I am your God.” “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

I could go on… and on… and on, because there’s 55 more verses just like it. Seems to me God meant business about pledging His faithfulness to you or He wouldn’t have mentioned it so often. So why worry? What exactly do you hope to accomplish by it? God placed those dreams and desires within you and when He did that He also created a plan to bring them to pass. Even when you can’t see a way, trust that God is making a way.

Today, I want to encourage you to start replacing the words of defeat you’ve been using, with the triumphant words God uses in His promises to you. The more you declare and believe His truth the more you’ll prevent the enemy from prevailing and you’ll be able to see God’s favor more clearly. As you keep standing in faith, as you keep hoping in God, you will see His promises manifest in your life. You’ll experience His favor and victory and see His amazing plan for your life come to pass!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Temporary Setback

The operative word there is “temporary.” Everyone goes through seasons of difficulty. We all have unexpected setbacks. Maybe you’re going through something right now that you don’t understand. Here’s the good news though, that disappointment is not the final chapter. The bible says to be confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion. See, God never ends in a negative. If you will keep moving forward with your life God promises that He will bring you out of that tough time and into a place of greater blessing.

I heard Joel Osteen put it like this once, he said sometimes he records a football game and watches it later. He said many times he already knows how the game ends so he knows he can stay totally at peace. I particularly like he said that, in fact, the further behind his team falls the more excited he gets because that means a big comeback is on its way and he can’t wait to see how it’s going to happen. God already set in place YOUR comeback. It’s a done deal. You don’t have to figure it out yourself. God said, “be still and know that I am.” He is your protection, restoration, healer, comforter. Whatever you need, He says, “I AM.”

Friends, the setback that seems like it’s working against you, God knows how to turn it around and even cause it to work FOR you. I want to encourage you not to settle where you are right now. Don’t put your roots down and think that things are never going to change. For every setback you experience, God has already lined up a comeback. For every injustice, He has vindication. For everything that’s been taken from you, He has BETTER in store to replace it.

Today it may seem like you’ve been knocked backward but you’ve got to remind yourself that God holds your future in the palm of His hand. And He never ends in defeat! Cast your cares on Him, surrender your concerns to Him. Choose to believe His promise that He has a good plan for your life, even when you don’t see how it can happen. Trust that nothing is impossible with God and I declare in Jesus’ name, you’re going to come out of this better and stronger than ever before!

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Best Laid Plans

Have you ever tried something and got the results you wanted and then tried the same thing again and got different results? This happened to Moses. They needed water and God told Moses to strike the rock. He struck the rock and water flowed out freely.

Another time they needed water again and God told Moses, “Speak to the rock.” Do you know what Moses did? He went over and struck the rock. He thought, “Hey, it worked last time. It’ll work this time.” But it didn’t. God had a different plan. The point is that we have to stay open and make adjustments to stay in tune with God’s plan.

The bible says, “In their heart a person plans their course, but the LORD determines their steps.” Friends, make sure you aren’t doing things just because it’s the way you always did it before. Instead, listen to the voice of God guiding you exactly how and where and when. It’s smart to have a plan of action but just be sure to run it by God and be open to whether He has a different plan for you.

Today, I encourage you to submit your mind, will and heart to God. Ask Him to help you see clearly what His plan is for you. To help you stay close to Him. Resist living in the past and press forward to the new things God has in store for you. He has an amazing plan designed specifically for you. Follow His leading and if you do this, you will see Him to take you to a level you never knew existed! 

Friday, August 16, 2013

A Positive Change Is Coming!

One of my favorite scriptures and one I read often for personal encouragement is, “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.” I know that change is one of the most difficult things for people to face. But friends, I know you don’t need me to tell you, change is inevitable.

Mark Twain once said, “The only person who likes change is a wet baby.” (haha). One reason people don’t like change is because they get comfortable with where they are in life. They get used to their friends, job, place they live. And even if it’s not good, they accept it simply because it’s familiar.

When we aren’t willing to change we get stuck in life, holding on to what God did in the past instead of growing and moving forward into what God wants to do in our present and future.  You have to be open to the new things God has in store for you. Always remember that just because God has blessed you where you are doesn’t mean you can just sit back and settle there.

Today, I encourage you to recognize that God wants to do something new in you and through you. He wants to see you grow and prosper. Submit your will to God and choose to accept whatever change He brings to your life, because He always has better things in store for you.  Make room for this change and keep your heart focused on Him. Embrace change and you will experience the greater blessing God has designed just for you!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Vine

I know some of you thought I would be talking about wine today… sorry, no :] The bible says, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a person remains in me and I in them, they will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” I love that this verse says “much fruit” which means you will have an abundant harvest in your life. Friends, God doesn’t want you to just barely get by. He wants to overwhelm you with His goodness!

I ask you to really think about this analogy for a moment. The very life of a branch depends on being attached to the vine. The same thing happens if we try to operate in this life without God. Without Him, we can do nothing. But when you remain in Him by connecting with Him daily and seeking His will then your life will be fruitful. You’ll walk in peace and joy.

The bible also says, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” There is nothing more important than seeking God in all your ways. When you go about your day, keep Him on your mind. Talk to Him and ask for His direction. Stay connected to Him. Choose to make Him top priority and you’ll see His hand of blessing operating in every area of your life.

This isn’t a promise for some day in the distant future. You need to get ready because God has already lined up your restoration; your breakthrough. Remain in Him and watch as He unleashes the blessings you’ve been praying for.  I’m here to confirm for you today, He has heard your cries and He is working behind the scenes right this very moment on your behalf. Seek Him, stay connected to Him, you’re closer than you think!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


What do you do to honor God? A lot of times people think, “I go to church to honor God. I read my bible to honor God. I sing and clap during worship to honor God.” And yes, those are good, but did you know that you honor God when you get to work on time? You honor God when you show kindness and patience toward strangers at the grocery store. You honor God when you commit to improving yourself today, beyond the person you were yesterday.

When you give your very best in the workplace, in your homelife, with your loved ones and everyone you cross paths with, your whole life is giving praise to God. Showing up with a good attitude, being friendly, organized, just being your best — people will notice there’s something different about you. They’ll want what you have.

I can hear you now, “But Chelle, you don’t know, my boss is a jerk!” I remember when I went into the Army straight out of highschool. You could say I had a problem with authority figures, lol. But after a few particularly unfavorable outcomes I decided to retool my approach, lol. I had to learn to disregard the person’s attitude toward me and make a decision to respect the rank on their collar even so. In civilian life, too, you have to remember it’s not your boss that you’re working for. Everything you do, see it as a work unto God. Jesus said if you’ve treated ANYONE with dishonor, disrespect, disregard then you’ve done it to Him. And just the same, if you treat them exceptionally, you do so unto Jesus.

As believers, we should set the standard. When people see the depth of your character and your spirit of excellence that’s how they should be able to identify you as a child of God. Make the decision today to honor Him in all that you do. You are God’s representative in the world and that should mean something. If only people would consider that before they snap at someone or gossip about someone or hurt someone’s feelings. Pass these little tests as soon as they come so you can rise up through God’s ranks, up into the amazing station in life He’s lined up for you!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


The bible says that we are God’s masterpiece. That means you are not ordinary or average; you are a one-of-a-kind original. When God created you He went to great lengths to make you exactly the way He wanted you to be. He gave you the right personality, the right gifts, the right talents, and the right connections to do exactly what He’s called you to do. The question is, do you recognize the treasure that you are to God?

I remember Joel Osteen telling a story one time about having dinner at a friend’s house and he noticed a painting on their wall. He said he wasn’t really impressed; that it looked like a kid had painted it. But the owner mentioned he had paid over a million dollars for it and Joel said he looked again and thought, “Wow, that’s beautiful!” lol. See, it was painted by Pablo Picasso. So it’s value wasn’t due to the painting itself but because of who the ARTIST was. The Creator of the universe took care to “knit you together in your mother’s womb.” You need to put your shoulders back and stand proud as the masterpiece God created YOU to be!

Friends, I want to encourage you not to settle for living in mediocrity. Every morning when you get out of bed, remind yourself that you are a masterpiece! You were handpicked by God to be a person of extreme value and significance. Remember, you are an original—you're not meant to be like everyone else. God designed you the way you are for a specific purpose. Every detail about you matters.

You have to cast down whatever the enemy is trying to fill your head with right now! The bible says you are “fearfully and wonderfully made.” Start getting that down in your spirit. Start thanking God for choosing you to be an important part of His plan in this world. There is so much for you to do and become, but you have to realize it. You have to embrace it and rise to the challenge God equipped you for. He made you for great things so ask for His guidance today and let Him direct your steps. Then get ready to have your life renewed and elevated to a level you’ve never seen before!

Monday, August 12, 2013

New Day, New Plan, New You!

What do you find yourself thinking about most of the time? Do you ever stop to consider this? The bible says to pay attention to the words of God and never let them get away from you; to remember them and keep them in your heart. That they will give life and health to anyone who appreciates them.  Often times we get so caught up in the regrets of yesterday and the worries of tomorrow that we miss the precious and fleeting moment we’re in. There is peace and joy and wisdom to be found and harnessed in each moment if you will just commit to being present for it.

Just like you wouldn’t choose to eat your dinner out of a dumpster, you have to be careful what you feed your mind. The bible cautions us, “Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.” I try to be very particular about the things I do, watch, listen to, think. I try to be very careful about who I hang out with and where I choose to go. I’m not judging YOU! If a person chooses to go to strip clubs or watch TV shows full of vulgarity and infidelity, that’s their business. God is the One who gave you free will and I certainly wouldn't want to take it away. My point is that we all have a choice in what we fill our minds with and those choices deposit something inside of you - and that's something to really think about.

I think it’s very important to our growth and development that we guard our hearts and minds from pollution. There is so much wise guidance in scripture if we would choose to learn the easy way: by reading and applying it, rather than the hard way: making poor decisions and receiving the more painful, lengthy lessons. The bible says we’re not supposed to pay attention to anything worthless. We are given time and it’s not like money that we can make more of if we waste it. Time is the one thing, no matter how rich you are, you can’t make more of. Once you spend it, it’s gone. We are called to use this time we’re given to develop and grow into the persons of excellence God called us to be.

Today, as you start your week I encourage you to really think about the things you’re allowing in your life. The bad habits, negative thoughts, toxic people. Commit to continuingly asking yourself, what am I focusing on? How will this develop my character? Is this pleasing to God? Will these thoughts, words, actions cause God to promote me to a higher level of His blessing?

Friends, don’t believe the lies directed by the enemy, whether through other people or in your own mind. You are God’s MASTERPIECE! You just have to line up your thinking with His and accept your honorable, rightful place in His kingdom. Stop delaying your awesome destiny and let God do the amazing work He longs to do in your life right now. Surrender your will; begin again and let Him show you how wonderful your life was meant to be!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Supernatural Favor

Psst! Did you know that God wants to advance you beyond what you even know how to ask for? The bible says that He is for your good; for your success; for your future. He desires for you to have every blessing and every promise declared in scripture. In John 10:10 it does NOT say that Jesus came so we could just survive day to day, only barely scratching out a bearable existence. No! It says that Jesus came so that we may have AND ENJOY our life and have it in abundance, to the full, till it overflows.

God’s supernatural favor is promised to us all throughout the bible. This is demonstrated simply as His unexplainable goodness in your life. God’s favor causes you to reap where you haven’t sown. His favor protects you, promotes you, connects you to the right people and opens new doors. His favor will take you places you could never go on your own.

Today, I declare over your life that in the coming days ahead God is going to unleash His incomparable favor on you — favor like you’ve never seen before! The key is to stay tuned into Him, stay in fellowship with Him through prayer and meditation. Let Him direct your steps and mold your character.

As you devote your thoughts and your time to Him, He will pour out His unprecedented favor in your life! He’ll pour out His peace, mercy and supernatural favor on every area of your life! Trust that God is working behind the scenes on your behalf. The bible says that His plans are to prosper you and give you a future and a hope. Set your heart and mind on Him and get ready to see His supernatural favor multiply in your life!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Shift Change

When the Israelites were in the desert headed toward the Promised Land they had manna to eat each day. After a while, they complained to Moses that they didn’t have any meat to eat. Moses went to God and God said, “Moses, I’m going to give you meat not for one day or five days or twenty days, but for a whole month.” Moses said, “God, that’s impossible. There are two million people out here. Even if we butchered all of our herds, we wouldn’t have that much meat.” God answered back, “Moses, is there any limit to My power?”

Just because Moses didn’t see a way didn’t mean that God didn’t have a way. No matter how stacked you think the cards of life are against you God can change it in a heartbeat. One good break, one right person, one new idea and your whole situation could be completely turned around. Remember that God lined up the solution before you ever knew you had the problem. Just as God did for Moses by shifting the wind that brought quail in from the sea and caused them to fall into their camp He can shift your circumstances and bring you out of whatever mess you feel you’re in.

Think about that. The people didn’t even have to go out and hunt or fish. God caused the quail came to them! They just went outside and had what they asked for handed to them by their heavenly Father. What am I saying? God knows how to shift things so that blessings come to you. Never forget that there is no limit to His power.

Today, I want to encourage you to turn whatever you’re worried about right now over to God in prayer. The bible says that whatever you ask for AND BELIEVE YOU WILL RECEIVE, it will be yours. He wants to work amazing blessings for and through you. Take the limits off of God and believe Him for the wonderful promises He’s given you. Do this and get ready to see that shift change in your favor – God will begin to open the floodgates of blessing in your life!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Decide To Go Deeper

Everything you need in order to succeed is already on the inside of you. God leads you and draws those things out of you when you stay open and humble before Him. The bible says you draw those things out when you are submitted to God’s will. You draw them out by declaring His truth over your life.

Proverbs also tells us that we should delight in wisdom and be even-tempered; that we should always strive to maintain peace and order. This is the type of Christian who experiences the fullness of God’s blessing. When we lead lazy or sloppy lives God can’t use us like He wants to. He destined you for a purpose – an amazing, life affirming purpose. The bible says He wants to take you to heights you can’t even imagine! But He won’t MAKE you do anything. You have to CHOOSE to claim your destiny.

You don’t achieve true fulfillment in life by seeking only the quick and easy things. What a waste if you come to the end of your life with nothing valuable to show for it. I’m not referring to a big house or fancy cars. The real things, as God sees “real” are love, charity, stability, honor. These are the things that really matter. God cares about your intestinal fortitude, not how many nice things you possess or how popular people think you are. Make this life one you can be genuinely proud of.

I must warn you though, it’s not a lifestyle you’re going to achieve if you allow yourself to tolerate weakness in your character. It’s not always easy when you’re striving to be a person of excellence; it's something you have to work at. Today, CHOOSE a more meaningful existence so you can experience promotion to that higher level. God will help you but you have to DECIDE to go deeper. The more you surrender your will to seek the will of God instead the more you will see the amazing success and abundant peace and joy God designed you for!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Even When It Seems Impossible

In scripture Abraham was known as the father of our faith. But he had many obstacles coming against the promise of God in his life. God told him that he would be “the father of many nations.” Abraham was over 90 years old before this came to pass. But the bible says that he didn’t think about all the reasons he couldn’t be what God promised. No, it says he was strengthened in faith and fully convinced that what God had promised He was also able to perform. It was Abraham’s faith that enabled God to move on his behalf and fulfill that promise.

Sometimes when God gives you a promise it may seem impossible. But you have to remember that ALL things are possible with God. You and He are a majority no matter what people may tell you. Once you get in agreement with Him you will see that promise come to pass!

And while waiting on this promise don’t be surprised if you encounter uncomfortable challenges; people who are hard to get along with or circumstances that seem unbearable. When this happens, instead of complaining or trying to control everything around you, learn to accept it the way God intended – to strengthen and prepare you for greater blessings. God is more interested in developing our character than coddling us. People who get babied tend to stay immature and fragile. If you choose to stay bitter because you don’t get your way or discouraged because things aren't happening on your timetable then get ready to stay right where you are, going through the same ol’ junk.

If you want to see positive change the key is to believe God for His promises even when it seems too difficult. God never calls you to do something He doesn’t empower you for.  You can’t wait until everything gets better before you decide to have a good attitude. You have to be the best that you can be right where you are and know that it’s only a test. God is only allowing these circumstances to train you for a higher position; making you more mature and stable enough to wisely manage the great things He wants to bring into your life.

Today, what are you believing God for? Does it seem impossible? Do like Abraham and consider your God instead of your circumstances. You’ll grow stronger in faith just as he did and your faith will open the door for God to move in your life. If you will stay focused on the power of your God rather than your obstacles you will see Him overcome your situation, remove those obstacles and you will experience the amazing level of abundance and peace He has in store for you!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Do What You’re Anointed To Do

All throughout the bible we see examples of what people are capable of when God anoints them. And the heartache and struggle that comes to people when they try to do what God did not anoint them to do. There are seasons of anointing, gifts that are anointed, relationships and callings that are anointed. We also see what happens when we keep at something after God removes His anointing.

Every one of us have special talents and skills given to us by our heavenly Father. He made you to be exactly who you are, and for a good purpose – an ultimate goal. The bible says God knitted you together in your mother’s womb. He took great care with every detail of your existence. He knew what He would call you to do and to be and what it was going to take to get you there. This doesn’t change even if we make choices on our own that temporarily take us off God’s course.

However, just as God will anoint, He will remove His anointing, too. Maybe He brought you into friendship with a certain person to accomplish a certain change in your life but once that was accomplished He needed to move you on to the next place so you could receive the next part of your blessing. God is all about developing you and bringing you up higher. He doesn’t want you to become stuck.

The key is that we have to be willing to receive this anointing even if we don’t understand how it’s supposed to be the best for us. Maybe you don’t want to leave the relationship you’re in but God has removed His anointing from it and if you stay you won’t grow into the best you He’s called you to be. The once positive influence that person had in your life has now become stagnate or even a hindrance. Or maybe it’s a job or town or group of friends. Once God is done, He’s done and you need to be open to His guiding if you want to live your most abundant and fulfilling life.

I remember Joyce Meyer telling a story about how she once let other people’s definition of the “typical” woman make her feel insecure so she tried fitting into their mold. She began making her family’s clothes and tried to grow her own vegetables. As hard as she tried she never got the hang of sewing and even though her next door neighbor had beautiful tomatoes hers were destroyed by bugs. She said when she confronted God about this He told her that He wasn’t obligated to protect actions that He didn’t call her to take. She was doing what people wanted her to, not what God anointed her for.

When you’re anointed for something it just comes easy to you. A beautiful singing voice or being naturally funny or great at math. When we let people force us into their mold or we let envy trick us into wanting to outdo someone because we allow their anointed gift to make us feel insecure, then we struggle and we feel bad about ourselves. Rather, we should seek God on what gifts He anointed in us and focus on developing those talents. We’ll always feel insecure until we start embracing the awesome qualities God put in us and improve upon them until we reach the highest level God wants for us.

There is so much good for you to do and to become. But there are times when God needs to move you so He may remove the anointing in a place, with a person, at a job so you can go on to the next higher level. You have to be willing to be moved or else you’ll miss out on the next amazing thing God wants to do in your life. Don’t miss out, friends! God is waiting with open arms to get you back on track toward that place of peace and joy. Let Him have His whole way in your life starting right now. Decide today that you will surrender your plans to Him so that He can direct your steps and take you into that amazing level of accomplishment and satisfaction in life that we all seek but rarely find.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Promotion Is On The Way!

As you woke up this morning, what was the first thing that went through your mind? When we start the day in praise, we start the day connected to God in a powerful way.

When you have the high praises of God coming out of your mouth, the bible says that God will go to war against your enemies. It can’t be secondary, “Oh, if I have time.” No, get up in the morning and say, “God, I love You today. I praise You today. Thank You for another beautiful day.”

Friend, the bible also says that promotion comes neither from the east nor from the west nor from the south but from God. Remember that praise precedes victory so start the day right and live a lifestyle of honor!

Today I encourage you to thank God for His good and precious plan for you. Choose to receive this goodness by faith and commit the day to making Him a priority. Thank Him right now that even if you don’t see it and the enemy is trying to use that to steal your peace and joy, your loving Parent is working on your behalf.

When you stay faithful and keep a right attitude, that’s when God will promote you. One touch of His favor and things will totally turn around! Keep abiding. Keep being faithful. Stay on that high road. God will make your wrongs right and promote you faster than you thought!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Health/Fitness Tips - Breakfast

Mom knew what she was talking about when she said that skipping breakfast is bad for us. There are good reasons why you should AT LEAST grab a bite to eat on your way out the door. Ditching the first meal of the day has been linked to everything from high cholesterol levels to large waist sizes.

"When we skip breakfast, we have elevations in morning and afternoon hunger, plus a desire to eat and a reduced fullness or satiety," says Heather Liedy, Ph.D., assistant professor of nutrition and exercise physiology at the
University of Missouri. "We also have elevations in ghrelin, a hormone known to increase hunger, and reductions in PYY, a hormone known to increase satiety." As if that weren't enough, skipping breakfast makes the regions in your brain that control cravings more active in the evening.

Liedy is the author of a new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that not only reinforces the findings that skipping breakfast is a bad idea but also shows that high protein breakfasts are the way to go.

"The high protein breakfast meals in our study included two ounces of lean beef and two servings of eggs," explains Liedy. These were in the form of a breakfast burrito or an egg-based waffle with lean beef sausage. In contrast with low-protein breakfast eaters, who had two cups of ready-to-eat cereal with three-quarters of a cup of milk, the women who consumed the high protein breakfasts felt less hungry in the morning and afternoon.

The takeaway? While grabbing a low protein breakfast is better than nothing at all, a high protein meal gives you lasting satiety all day and decreases cravings in the evening. "A high protein breakfast reduces unhealthy snacking by approximately 200 kcal," says Liedy. Not too shabby for just taking five minutes to put some protein on your plate in the morning.

Saturday, August 3, 2013


“And now nothing they have imagined they can do will be impossible for them.”  The bible tells us that the only thing limiting us is a lack of vision and understanding about God’s plan for our lives. Seven times in scripture God asks, “What do you see?” God is interested in our vision. Before your dream comes to pass, you have to see yourself accomplishing that dream. You’ve got to get a picture of it. Before you achieve the positive changes you’re hoping for you have to see it happening in your imagination.

How often do you stop and think about what you are thinking about? So often, we live with our minds on autopilot, taking in whatever thoughts come our way. But if we’re going to rise up higher the way God intends, we have to determine to make sure our thoughts line up with God’s thoughts. Instead of thinking about your problems, think about God’s promises. Get a vision for what He has in store for your future. Imagine yourself living in victory. Imagine yourself healed. Imagine yourself walking in abundance.

Today, I encourage you to let God’s truth shape your vision of the future. Set aside the distractions and worries of the natural world and ”cast your cares” on God. Thank Him for the dreams and desires He’s placed in your heart. Ask Him to enlarge your vision and help you to see the amazing level of blessing He has for your life. Dare to imagine what God has in store for you because nothing is impossible with Him!

Friday, August 2, 2013

The Disappointments of People Pleasing

Are you carrying frustration, worry or aggravation about something? That’s usually a clear sign that your hope is in the wrong place. If you hope in people, it will deplete you of joy and peace. But when you put your hope in God, that’s when you’ll begin to see things turn around in your life. The bible says that those who hope in God will not be disappointed. Sure, there may be temporary disappointments but we will never be permanently disappointed. We have God’s promise that He will cause ALL things to work out for our good.

Many people live life worried because they’re so concerned about what other people think of them, and that’s mostly why they end up disappointed. Because our hope should be placed in God, not people. When we come to the end of life we’re not going to stand before people to give an account of our lives, we’re going to stand before God. He’s not going to say, “Why didn’t you do what so-and-so said to do? Why didn’t you try harder to please people?“ No, He is going to ask, “Did you become who I created you to be? Did you stay true to what I put in your heart?”

The bible tells that this is where Saul missed it. God had great things in his future but Saul was too insecure. He said in 1 Samuel 15:24, “I disobeyed the Lord’s instructions because I was afraid of the people so I did what they asked.” Notice that Saul knew what to do – he even admitted it, “I disobeyed God’s instructions.” Why? He was a people pleaser. He forfeited his amazing destiny in order to please people. Friend, don’t let that be you! Be a God pleaser instead, because pleasing God is all that matters if you want your life to be peaceful and truly fulfilling.

Today, I want to encourage you to choose to put your hope in God. Surrender to Him every frustration, every aggravation, every difficulty. Release total control into His loving hands. Ask Him to speak to your heart and give you His peace. Trust your heavenly Parent because He is faithful. Ask Him to help you break away from the trap of people pleasing and to stand strong against criticism. Make this your daily prayer and I assure you that you will find God is abundantly good, and that He has amazing things in store for you!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

How To Choose Wisely

Everything you think, do, or say is either helping or hurting you. Ok, maybe that’s a little extreme but wouldn’t you agree that with every choice there is at least a more appropriate one than the other? Jesus said that, “Whoever is not with Me is against Me and whoever does not gather with Me, scatters.” That’s pretty black and white but what about the situations in life that might not be so clear?

For instance, maybe your choice is between staying out of a conflict between a couple you’re friends with vs. offering them wise advice from your experience. Both choices seem practical but there is one that is better than the other. In these cases the only way to know you’re choosing the BEST option is by running it past God first. “Ask and you shall receive”, so apply that promise to decision making if you want to be certain to stay on the right side of God’s will.

There’s a lot to learn about making wise choices just by reading through Proverbs but you can be sure that when you seek God on any matter He will direct your steps. Maybe He doesn’t spell it out on a billboard or speak it audibly but most people would agree they know the most correct choice by just paying attention to that “nagging feeling.”

Call it the Holy Spirit, conscience, gut, or intuition but there is a knowing deep inside that helps you identify what is the right course of action. For me, it’s peace vs. lack of peace. I know that I KNOW, even if I don’t want to admit it to myself, when God is calling me to do or NOT do something. Whether it’s a red flag I choose to ignore or a good deed I rationalize myself out of doing... God counsels me and I know it. So when I lose my peace I know I need to take a moment and evaluate what I may have done/said or not done/not said that I knew better about.

Today I want to encourage you to seek God in every matter. God is not the author of confusion so if you find yourself becoming anxious or uncertain about a choice you’re considering, surrender it to God. The bible says when you surrender everything to God AND HAVE FAITH, He will take care of all the rest. Your needs, desires, problems, questions, ALL of it! He promised to fight your battles FOR you, that He would make your crooked places straight, that He would make a way for you where you see no way. Try letting God direct your steps and you will see the amazing level of peace and joy He lined up for you!