Wednesday, August 14, 2013


What do you do to honor God? A lot of times people think, “I go to church to honor God. I read my bible to honor God. I sing and clap during worship to honor God.” And yes, those are good, but did you know that you honor God when you get to work on time? You honor God when you show kindness and patience toward strangers at the grocery store. You honor God when you commit to improving yourself today, beyond the person you were yesterday.

When you give your very best in the workplace, in your homelife, with your loved ones and everyone you cross paths with, your whole life is giving praise to God. Showing up with a good attitude, being friendly, organized, just being your best — people will notice there’s something different about you. They’ll want what you have.

I can hear you now, “But Chelle, you don’t know, my boss is a jerk!” I remember when I went into the Army straight out of highschool. You could say I had a problem with authority figures, lol. But after a few particularly unfavorable outcomes I decided to retool my approach, lol. I had to learn to disregard the person’s attitude toward me and make a decision to respect the rank on their collar even so. In civilian life, too, you have to remember it’s not your boss that you’re working for. Everything you do, see it as a work unto God. Jesus said if you’ve treated ANYONE with dishonor, disrespect, disregard then you’ve done it to Him. And just the same, if you treat them exceptionally, you do so unto Jesus.

As believers, we should set the standard. When people see the depth of your character and your spirit of excellence that’s how they should be able to identify you as a child of God. Make the decision today to honor Him in all that you do. You are God’s representative in the world and that should mean something. If only people would consider that before they snap at someone or gossip about someone or hurt someone’s feelings. Pass these little tests as soon as they come so you can rise up through God’s ranks, up into the amazing station in life He’s lined up for you!

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