Monday, August 12, 2013

New Day, New Plan, New You!

What do you find yourself thinking about most of the time? Do you ever stop to consider this? The bible says to pay attention to the words of God and never let them get away from you; to remember them and keep them in your heart. That they will give life and health to anyone who appreciates them.  Often times we get so caught up in the regrets of yesterday and the worries of tomorrow that we miss the precious and fleeting moment we’re in. There is peace and joy and wisdom to be found and harnessed in each moment if you will just commit to being present for it.

Just like you wouldn’t choose to eat your dinner out of a dumpster, you have to be careful what you feed your mind. The bible cautions us, “Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.” I try to be very particular about the things I do, watch, listen to, think. I try to be very careful about who I hang out with and where I choose to go. I’m not judging YOU! If a person chooses to go to strip clubs or watch TV shows full of vulgarity and infidelity, that’s their business. God is the One who gave you free will and I certainly wouldn't want to take it away. My point is that we all have a choice in what we fill our minds with and those choices deposit something inside of you - and that's something to really think about.

I think it’s very important to our growth and development that we guard our hearts and minds from pollution. There is so much wise guidance in scripture if we would choose to learn the easy way: by reading and applying it, rather than the hard way: making poor decisions and receiving the more painful, lengthy lessons. The bible says we’re not supposed to pay attention to anything worthless. We are given time and it’s not like money that we can make more of if we waste it. Time is the one thing, no matter how rich you are, you can’t make more of. Once you spend it, it’s gone. We are called to use this time we’re given to develop and grow into the persons of excellence God called us to be.

Today, as you start your week I encourage you to really think about the things you’re allowing in your life. The bad habits, negative thoughts, toxic people. Commit to continuingly asking yourself, what am I focusing on? How will this develop my character? Is this pleasing to God? Will these thoughts, words, actions cause God to promote me to a higher level of His blessing?

Friends, don’t believe the lies directed by the enemy, whether through other people or in your own mind. You are God’s MASTERPIECE! You just have to line up your thinking with His and accept your honorable, rightful place in His kingdom. Stop delaying your awesome destiny and let God do the amazing work He longs to do in your life right now. Surrender your will; begin again and let Him show you how wonderful your life was meant to be!

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