Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Do What You’re Anointed To Do

All throughout the bible we see examples of what people are capable of when God anoints them. And the heartache and struggle that comes to people when they try to do what God did not anoint them to do. There are seasons of anointing, gifts that are anointed, relationships and callings that are anointed. We also see what happens when we keep at something after God removes His anointing.

Every one of us have special talents and skills given to us by our heavenly Father. He made you to be exactly who you are, and for a good purpose – an ultimate goal. The bible says God knitted you together in your mother’s womb. He took great care with every detail of your existence. He knew what He would call you to do and to be and what it was going to take to get you there. This doesn’t change even if we make choices on our own that temporarily take us off God’s course.

However, just as God will anoint, He will remove His anointing, too. Maybe He brought you into friendship with a certain person to accomplish a certain change in your life but once that was accomplished He needed to move you on to the next place so you could receive the next part of your blessing. God is all about developing you and bringing you up higher. He doesn’t want you to become stuck.

The key is that we have to be willing to receive this anointing even if we don’t understand how it’s supposed to be the best for us. Maybe you don’t want to leave the relationship you’re in but God has removed His anointing from it and if you stay you won’t grow into the best you He’s called you to be. The once positive influence that person had in your life has now become stagnate or even a hindrance. Or maybe it’s a job or town or group of friends. Once God is done, He’s done and you need to be open to His guiding if you want to live your most abundant and fulfilling life.

I remember Joyce Meyer telling a story about how she once let other people’s definition of the “typical” woman make her feel insecure so she tried fitting into their mold. She began making her family’s clothes and tried to grow her own vegetables. As hard as she tried she never got the hang of sewing and even though her next door neighbor had beautiful tomatoes hers were destroyed by bugs. She said when she confronted God about this He told her that He wasn’t obligated to protect actions that He didn’t call her to take. She was doing what people wanted her to, not what God anointed her for.

When you’re anointed for something it just comes easy to you. A beautiful singing voice or being naturally funny or great at math. When we let people force us into their mold or we let envy trick us into wanting to outdo someone because we allow their anointed gift to make us feel insecure, then we struggle and we feel bad about ourselves. Rather, we should seek God on what gifts He anointed in us and focus on developing those talents. We’ll always feel insecure until we start embracing the awesome qualities God put in us and improve upon them until we reach the highest level God wants for us.

There is so much good for you to do and to become. But there are times when God needs to move you so He may remove the anointing in a place, with a person, at a job so you can go on to the next higher level. You have to be willing to be moved or else you’ll miss out on the next amazing thing God wants to do in your life. Don’t miss out, friends! God is waiting with open arms to get you back on track toward that place of peace and joy. Let Him have His whole way in your life starting right now. Decide today that you will surrender your plans to Him so that He can direct your steps and take you into that amazing level of accomplishment and satisfaction in life that we all seek but rarely find.

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