Thursday, August 7, 2014

Making Up The Difference

No matter what weakness you may think you have, no matter what setbacks you’ve encountered, God wants to give you His divine strength. He wants to make up the difference and move you further ahead than you ever thought possible.

One time in the Old Testament, God simply multiplied the sound of 4 men’s footsteps and caused them to sound like a mighty army. When their enemies heard them, they took off running. There were thousands of enemy troops running for their lives, scared to death, thinking they were being attacked by a massive army when in fact, it was just 4 people! What happened? God made up the difference.

Friend, God can make you seem bigger than you really are. He can make you appear more powerful. He knows how to multiply your influence, your talent and your income. You don’t have to figure it all out; all you have to do is put your trust in Him. If you will wake up every day expecting His far and beyond favor, then you’re going to see Him make up the difference in every area of your life!

Thursday, July 31, 2014


On the inside of each one of us is a blessed, prosperous, victorious person. This person is free from addictions and bad habits, confident and secure in God. But just because that’s in you doesn’t mean it’s going to automatically come out.

The bible says, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…" That word, “transformed” in the original language is, “metamorpho.” It’s where we get our word, “metamorphose.” We know how a caterpillar metamorphoses into a butterfly. This is saying that if you meditate on God’s words, then a transformation will take place.

Think about the little caterpillar. It’s very plain, nothing really special about it. At a certain point, it forms a cocoon. The metamorphose starts to take place. It’s a process. Little by little it changes. One day, it begins to push out of the cocoon. Before long, it goes from being one of the plainest insects to being one of the most beautiful. Instead of having to crawl on the ground and squirm around, it can now fly wherever it wants to go.

Today, why don’t you break out of your cocoon? Believe that God is at work in you. Believe that He has good plans for you. Believe that He will complete every good work that He’s started in your life!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

You Have To Tune In

Right now, there are hundreds of radio frequencies in the air, hundreds of television signals all around you. But, you don’t hear them all. The reason is that you’re not tuned in. If you tune a radio or television to one of those frequencies, then you would pick up the signal.

In the same way, God is constantly transmitting to us. He wants to lead us, guide us, protect us and give us insight. But too often, we’re not tuned to His frequency. God doesn’t usually speak to us out loud. He speaks to us through subtle things; normally He leads us by what we have the most peace about.

The best way to “tune in to God’s frequency” is by meditating on His words. The more know His nature, the more you know His voice. It’s like when you listen to the same radio station a lot, you learn that DJ’s voice. It’s the same idea. The more you tune in to God the easier it will be to recognize His will and experience His best for you in every situation.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

That’s DEEP

Who do you share your deepest secrets with? Most people only share their inner thoughts with those who are closest to them. People they trust. People they’ve gone through tough experiences with.
Do you know who God share’s His secrets with? The bible says, “That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, ‘No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.’ But it was to us that God revealed these things by his Spirit. For his Spirit searches out everything and shows us God’s deep secrets.”
God wants you to know THE TRUTH about what He thinks of you. He wants you to know about the awesome plans He has for you. He wants to show you things you’ve never seen, heard about or even imagined.
As a believer in Jesus, you are His child, but you are also His friend. He wants you as His closest companion. He wants to walk with you, talk with and share with you. What a wonderful, amazing thought — we can know God’s thoughts because we are one with Him. Open your heart and allow Him to share His deep secrets with you today.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Too Hard?

The bible says, “I am the LORD, the God of all humankind. Is anything too hard for Me?” Know that with your heavenly Father, all things are possible! Nothing is too hard for Him. You have to make a choice to stand in faith, choose to trust, and begin to declare for yourself every blessing He has promised you.

There is no telling what God will do if you’ll dare to believe in Him. He’s the Creator of the entire universe! Why don’t you stretch your faith today and give God something to work with? Meditate on all of His assurances and abilities because nothing is too hard for Him!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Think, Tidal Wave!

Friend, I believe God wants to release a flood of His power in your life. Not a trickle, not a stream, not a river, but a flood. A flood of increase, a flood of healing, a flood of ideas. Don’t get stuck in a rut believing for small things.

Don’t settle where you are because you think you’ve reached your limits. No, you need to get ready. Through my eyes of faith, I can see a tidal wave coming your way. It’s not a wave of defeat, a wave of bad breaks, a wave of more of the same. No, things are shifting. It’s a wave of increase, a wave of favor, a wave of healing! It’s God releasing His goodness like a flood. It’s going to help you to overcome that obstacle. It’s going to cause you to accomplish your dreams.

Today, why don’t you dare to believe? Don’t just think “trickle” and barely get-by. Switch over into faith and start thinking “flood.” If you’ll believe for His overflow, God can bring you into overflow. If you’ll dare to believe “tidal wave,” then God will release a tidal wave of His goodness in your life!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Speeding Things Up

We’re living in a day when God is speeding things up. What should have taken you a lifetime to accomplish, because you honor God, He is going to do in a fraction of the time. God is going to give you breaks that you didn’t deserve. He is going to bring the right people across your path. You’re going to see opportunity like you’ve never seen before. You need to get ready; you’ve come into a shift.

Think of it like a car. When you shift from second gear to fourth gear, the engine is still running at the same speed. It’s not working any harder, but you’re going faster. You’re covering more ground. The higher gears have greater capacity. They’re designed to go faster. In the same way, because you’ve kept God first place, He is shifting you to a higher gear. You’re going to go further, faster not because you’re working harder trying to make it all happen, but because it’s your time for acceleration!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


I wonder how many people have been disappointed simply because they didn’t pray and ask God for the big things in their hearts. You might say, “Well, God is God. If He wants to bless me, He’ll bless me.” But no, it says in James 4:2, “You have not because you ask not.” So if you’re not asking big, you’re shortchanging yourself.

You will never reach the fullness of your potential if you only pray small prayers. I’m not talking about just making a wish list. I’m talking about asking God for what He’s already promised you. The bible says, “When you walk in God’s ways, you will lend and not borrow. With long life God will satisfy you. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

If you are a believer in Christ there are hundreds of promises that you have every right to ask your heavenly Father to fulfill. Not only that, there are specific dreams and desires that He’s placed in your heart. They didn’t just randomly show up. The Creator of the universe put them in you. Dare to ask big and then watch as God goes to work at bringing those things to pass in your life!

Monday, July 7, 2014

The Next Open Door

The bible says, “I know your works. Behold, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut. I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.” God opens doors of opportunity before us that no one is able to shut. But we have to realize, sometimes He also closes doors because He has something better in store.

We may see a logical opportunity, but just because it’s the logical way doesn’t mean that it’s God’s way. Just because it happened that way before doesn’t mean it’s going to happen that way next time. That’s why you have to stay open and keep trusting in God. If you’re narrow-minded and only look at the door behind you that’s been closed, you may miss the door He has opened in front of you!

Friend, when you are able to let go of your own agenda and trust God, He’ll make sure you see those open doors. The bible says that His words are what lights our path. Our attitude should always be, “God, I surrender all to You. Have Your way in my life. I trust Your timing. I trust You to do it Your way.” Then, step back and let Him reveal the next open door He has prepared for you.

Friday, July 4, 2014


Today in America, we celebrate Independence Day. July 4, 1776 was the day America declared their independence, but the battle for freedom went on until 1783 – seven years later. Even though the people declared their freedom in 1776, they had to stand and fight for many years before the British would accept and recognize the United States of America.

In the same way, we have to declare our freedom and be determined to stand against the opposing forces of darkness in our lives. We have to declare our freedom from addiction, poverty, sickness and lack. We have to stand and fight until we fully experience the freedom and peace that our Creator has promised.

Do you know what the early colonists did once they signed the Declaration of Independence? They read it out loud in public. They published it in the newspaper. They spread the word. They continued to declare and celebrate even though they were in the midst of the battle.

Today, no matter what battle you may be facing, declare that you are free and celebrate your freedom because victory is on the way!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Double For Your Trouble

The bible says, “Instead of your shame you shall have double honor, and instead of confusion they shall rejoice in their portion. Therefore in their land they shall possess double; everlasting joy shall be theirs.” In the Old Testament when this scripture was written, God’s people were going through a very dark time. They were being held captive and mistreated by other nations. God sent this word to encourage them and give them hope for their future, and when the time came, God was faithful to His promise!

Are you going through a difficult time today? Let this word bring you encouragement, too. God wants to give you double for your trouble. He is the God of restoration. That means He’s not going to just repay you for every wrong done, He’s going to go above and beyond and make things even better than they were before.

If you’re facing tough challenges today or going through a time of adversity, remember, it’s always darkest just before the dawn. Your days are destined to shine brighter because God is faithful. As you stay in faith and are obedient to His leading, you’ll receive double for your trouble and see His promises come to pass!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Be Bold As A Lion!

As a believer in Jesus Christ, you are called to live a bold and confident life. You don’t have to live under the weight and pressure of fear. You don’t have to live with daily anxiety. Because the Creator of the universe has promised to never leave you nor forsake you, fear and worry are beneath you.

When you rise up in faith, trusting that God is with you and for you, all doubt and fear has to leave your life. The bible says that, “the righteous are as bold as a lion.” Righteousness is God’s way of doing things. When you do things His way, when you are submitted to His plan for your life, He will empower you with boldness and strength. He will equip you to walk in His victory.

Today, if you’ve been feeling anxious or fearful, begin to declare God’s truth over your life so you can be set free! Pick your chin up and put your shoulders back! Declare what God says about you, that you are made righteous in Jesus’ name, that you are more than a conqueror, tthat you are as bold as a lion – because you are a child of the Most High God!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

He Will Complete What He Started

It’s interesting that the last thing Jesus that said on the cross was, “It is finished.” It certainly looked like the end. It looked like it was over. But I believe that wasn’t just a statement of fact, it was a statement of faith. Jesus was saying to His Father, “I’ve done My part. Now I have total trust and confidence in You that You’re going to finish what You started.” Even though it looked like the end, in reality, it was only the beginning.

When it looks dark in your own life, when things aren’t going your way, dare to make that declaration of faith just like Jesus, “It is finished.” What you’re really saying is, “God, I’ve done all you’ve asked me to do and now I leave it to You to turn this situation around. I know You’re going to heal my body. I know You’re going to restore my finances. I know You’re going to give me good breaks.”

Always remember to speak victory over your circumstances because He is faithful and the bible says that He, “will continue His work in you until it is finished.” Today, choose to put total trust in your heavenly Father, knowing that a shift is coming. Declare it out loud, that His will be done in every area of your life, and He will complete what He’s started in you!

Monday, June 30, 2014

There’s Another Chapter In Front of You!

Did you know that God has already recorded every part of your life from the beginning to the end? He knows every disappointment, every loss, every challenge; and the good news is that with Him, your story ends in victory! The bible says, “You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in Your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.”

God has written out a plan to bless and prosper you. Here’s the key though: when you go through a disappointment, when you go through a loss, don’t stop on that page in your life. You have to decide to keep moving forward! There’s another chapter in front of you, but you’ve got to be willing to take the next step.

Sometimes, we get so focused on what didn’t work out that we stay stuck, reliving the disappointment. If that’s you, I want to encourage you today to recognize that you’ve been on that page long enough. It’s time to let it go and turn the page to the new chapter God has in store!

You have free will so, yes, you can CHOOSE to stay right where you are. But why, when you have the promise of better things just up ahead? You may not understand what’s happened, it may not have been fair – but remember, the next chapter is full of blessing and favor! So do yourself the favor of making a decision to let go of the old so you can move forward into the abundant life God has in store for you!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Wrong Relationships

Do you ever get around a certain person and feel an uneasiness or an unrest? Something inside says, “Stay away. That’s trouble.” That's you picking up on the vibration of the person or situation. It may seem small, but if you will pay attention and take direction from this guidance system it can keep you from heartache and misfortune.

We tend to ignore this most when it comes to people, usually because there's a fear of being lonely. You might say, “Well, if I don’t hang out with them, I may not have any friends.” No, if it's a person meant to be in your life, you will know.

Search your spirit and be honest with yourself - you'll feel if they will be a benefit to you, or not. If there are already toxic relationships in your life you should take the time to address it, and if necessary, move on. 

Remember, if you don’t let go of the wrong people, the right people don’t have a shot at entering the picture.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Favor That Lasts A Lifetime

Let this truth sink down into your spirit today: God’s favor is not for a season; it’s for a lifetime. How do we obtain God’s favor? The bible tells us that when we honor His word, when we obey His commands and walk in mercy and truth, that’s how we find favor in God’s sight. When we do our part, God will do His part.

Today, if you are believing God for something, maybe a turnaround in a relationship, career or your health, stand firm that God’s word is true. Even if it seems to be taking longer than you thought, when you put, AND KEEP, Him first place in your life He promises to pour out His favor on you.

When those defeatist thoughts try to tell you, “It’s not going to happen. I never get any good breaks.” Turn it around and say, “Father, I want to thank You for Your favor on my life, on my relationships, on my career, on my future. I am Your child and I know Your favor is not temporary. I believe You and thank You for a lifetime of favor!”

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

There’s Nothing Ordinary About You!

God has an assignment for you that nobody else can fulfill. God needs you. He needs your gifts, your smile, your love, your passion. You are a part of His divine plan. You have something to offer that nobody else can offer. 

Nobody has your exact personality, your exact looks. There is something unique about you. Don’t wear that “average” label. If you think you’re average, then you’ll be average. If you think you’re ordinary, then you’ll live an ordinary “get by life,” and never do anything great.

The truth is, there is nothing ordinary about you! You have the fingerprints of God all over you! The Creator of the universe breathed His life into you! He crowned you with His favor. You have royal blood flowing through your veins!

Friends, the bible says, “We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us.” You have a destiny to fulfill, something greater than you’ve ever even imagined. Embrace His truth, embrace His love, and embrace the blessings He has in store for your future!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Finding Strength And Joy

Do you need more strength and joy in your life? The bible says, “Honor and majesty are found in His presence; strength and joy are found in His sanctuary. When you have God’s joy, you have His supernatural strength. There’s nothing that can come against you when you are filled with the strength and joy of your Creator.

Notice this verse says that strength and joy are found in His sanctuary. One translation says they are found “where He is.” And do you know “where He is?” His Spirit is alive in every believer, but in His word He promises that He inhabits, or manifests, in the praises of His people.

That means when you begin to praise and worship God, either corporately in a church setting or privately in your personal time, God is there. You are in His sanctuary. Anytime you feel depleted or overwhelmed, just begin to talk with Him. Declare His goodness and faithfulness. Draw near to Him, and He will draw near to you. He’ll fill you with His joy and strength so that you can live as an overcomer and have peace no matter what your circumstances.

Monday, June 23, 2014

How? Not by MY might, nor MY power but…

The bible says, “Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty.” In the original Hebrew, the word “spirit” in this verse literally means “breath.” This scripture is saying that the breakthroughs that are coming in our lives are not going to happen just by our talent or who we know. It’s going to happen because God breathes in our direction. God will shift the winds that blow healing, promotion and restoration our way.

How are you going to get well? The medical report may say it’s impossible. But when God breathes in your direction, health, wholeness and restoration are headed toward you. How are you going to accomplish your dreams? You may not know the right people, or have enough money, or feel like you have the talent. Maybe not, but God is sending the ideas, resources and right connections your direction.

If you will stay faithful and keep obeying God, then things will change. You will come into abundance. You will get well. If you’ll keep seeking Him and trusting Him, the breath of God will shift things in every area of your life!

Friday, June 20, 2014

The Health Value of Keeping Your Peace

It’s so easy to let the pressures and distractions of life pull our thoughts away from our Creator. It doesn’t take long before we’re so focused on worldly things that we feel overwhelmed and all stressed out. But, we weren’t meant to live anxious about life; we’re meant to live in peace. The bible says, “A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.”
Did you know the best thing you can do for your health is to set your heart at peace with God? Peace isn’t just a feeling, it’s a powerful position. Peace literally means “to set at one again.” In other words, we can be settled in our minds and hearts when we are in alignment with God’s will for our lives. It is a position of life, strength and confidence!
Today, I encourage you to choose to keep your heart at peace by staying focused on your heavenly Father. Give life to your body by staying in agreement with Him. Let His peace guard your heart so that you can be equipped to live the abundant life He has promised to you!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Promise of Blessings That Chase After You

Deuteronomy 28:2 says if you obey God’s commands that His blessings will chase you, and overtake you. This means that you won’t be able to outrun the goodness of God when you’re careful to do what He directs you to do.

Your heavenly Father longs to be good to you! He wants to help you accomplish your dreams and overcome your obstacles. He wants to amaze you with His goodness and mercy. We should wake up every morning with the attitude, “I can’t wait to see what God is going to do today!

I encourage you to make room in your heart and mind for what God wants to do in your life. Keep an attitude of faith and expectancy. As you do, you’ll see His hand of blessing overtake you and bring you to higher levels in every area of your life!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Make Room For Increase!

God wants to bless you abundantly, but we have to give what we have in order to make room for growth in that area. Not just in your time and money but in ALL things, you must first show that you’re willing to give so that you show you’re mature enough to receive.

We have to remember that we’re stewards over the resources God has given us. When we are good and faithful stewards of the things He’s already blessed us with, He entrusts us with more. The bible says He will open the windows of heaven!

Have you ever thought about what kind of blessing would be so great that there would not be room enough to receive it? It may be hard to comprehend, but when we’re faithful to give and share in what He’s already blessed us with, that’s the kind of return God promises.

I encourage you today to be a giver. Start looking for ways you can be a greater blessing to others. As the bible says, if you will test Him in this principle of giving you can be sure He will move mightily on your behalf!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Giving Your Absolute Best

Can you imagine what it must have been like for the wise men when they saw Jesus? He was just a child in a stable surrounded by animals, but these wise men recognized that He was the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords; the Savior of the world.

They immediately fell on their faces to worship Him. But it’s important to note what they did next. The bible says they presented Him with gifts as part of their worship. And they didn’t just give any old thing they had; they gave Him their absolute best – costly gold, frankincense and myrrh.

When we give God our “absolute best,” be it our time, talent or resources, it‘s an important act of worship. We’re saying with our actions, “God, You mean more to me than anything. Because You’re so awesome, I want to give You everything that I am.”

It pleases Him when we come to Him with this attitude. When we draw near to Him with an open and humble heart, He draws near to us. Remember to always give Him your BEST if you want to see Him open the doors of increase in every area of your life!

Monday, June 16, 2014


Have you ever set “perfection” as a goal on your list? That may seem a little strange or unobtainable to many, but in God’s eyes, perfection isn’t about performance. In fact, it isn’t about behavior at all. The bible says, “I will walk within my house with a perfect heart.”

What God is looking for is a heart that is perfect toward Him. The bible says that people look on the outside, but God looks at the heart. That means He is more pleased with someone who has a heart set on Him, who may mess up often, than He is with someone doing all the “right things” but for all the wrong reasons.

The condition of your heart is extremely important to God. When you have a right heart, you are humble before Him. You seek His ways. You get up each day with a desire to please Him. You submit every area of your life to Him, and you are willing to make adjustments and receive correction so you can grow and come up higher.

As you prepare for this week, I encourage you to make knowing Him your number one priority. Yield yourself to Him and let Him shape your character. Seek Him diligently and as you set your heart on Him you will see Him cause you to rise higher and develop in every area of your life!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Your Plans Will Succeed!

We all have dreams that we’re hoping will come to pass. We should always be praying and believing – that’s all part of faith. But there’s another part of faith that oftentimes people leave out, and that is putting action behind your faith.

The bible says, “But someone will say, ‘You have faith, and I have works.’ Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith BY my works.”

In other words, when we really believe God, we obey Him. We can pray all day long, “God, get me out of this problem.” But if you really want to get God’s attention and see Him move in amazing ways, take it one step further and DO something to exhibit your faith. 

You can’t get it done by works alone – it does take faith, BUT you must let your actions prove your faith. Maybe you need a turnaround in a relationship. Are you being the one to show love and forgiveness? Maybe you need a financial breakthrough. Are you being responsible with the money you do have? Maybe you lost your job. Are you polishing your resume and knocking on new doors?

The bible says, “Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.” I want to encourage you today to make sure you put action behind your faith, then watch Him crown your effort and come through in exceedingly abundant ways!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Destination Disease

Too many people suffer from “destination disease.” In other words, they’ve reached a certain level or obtained a certain goal and now they’re coasting in life, off of what they’ve already learned.

Studies tell us that 50% of people, after they graduate from high school, will never read an entire book the rest of their life. One reason is that people see learning as a PERIOD of life instead of a WAY of life. They think, “I’m out of school. I’m done with my training. I’ve got my job.”

Friend, God didn’t create us to be one dimensional beings. To reach one level and stop. Regardless of your age or station in life, you should be constantly learning, improving your skills, and getting better at what you do. Make your “pursuit of excellence” an endless pursuit. Always look for ways to improve and develop.

The key is that you have to take responsibility for your own growth. Growth is not automatic. There are tons of resources, even many which are free, that will help elevate you in some way.

What steps are you taking to get better? Are you reading books, listening to teaching CDs, taking online courses, attending workshops, going to seminars (or even more convenient: webinars)? Do you have any mentors?

Today, I want to encourage you to decide that you’re not just going to coast through life relying on what you’ve already learned. You have amazing potential yet to be tapped into! Develop your talent and become all that God created you to be!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Staying Spiritually Hydrated

In the natural, every day we get thirsty. Water is what we need to sustain life. When we are out in the heat or exerting our bodies physically, even more water is required to keep us hydrated and functioning optimally.

Spiritually, we need water every day, too. To live a balanced life, we need to refresh our hearts and minds as much as we need to refresh our bodies. Jesus said, “I am the Living Water. If you drink of Me, you will never thirst again.”

During the day, we all have things that come against us spiritually. We all feel the heat, so to speak. It’s easy to get upset or stressed out, but that’s when you need to take a two-minute break and go drink of the Living Water.

Get quiet and say, “God, I need You. I’m asking You to help me stay strong. Help me to stay in peace.” Remember, He is the only one who can satisfy your spiritual thirst. Seek Him and you will find rest and refreshment for your soul.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Which Will You Choose To Activate?

Every single one of us deals with fear, but that doesn’t mean we have to be controlled by it. If you’re going to rise to new levels, overcome every obstacle and see your God-given dreams come true. Here’s the key, you must activate your faith, not fear.

It’s a simple choice you and I get to make every day. Activating your faith, rather than activating your fears, is one of the most important things you can do to live a more victorious, more peaceful life.

The bible says, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” That means you can say NO to fear, doubt and insecurity because those things are not from God. Instead, you can say YES to faith and live a bold, victorious, fearless life.

Fear and faith have something in common. They both ask us to believe something is going to happen that we cannot see. Both fear and faith are powerful forces, but you get to choose which of these you want to activate in your life.

When you choose faith over fear, it activates God’s power. Instead of focusing on your problems, choose instead to focus on God’s promises. Here’s a quick reference for whatever source of fear you may be experiencing today:

-If things are tough at work right now, God has promised to pour out His favor.

(Psalms 30:5)

-If you’ve received a discouraging report from the doctor, healing is coming your way.

(Isaiah 53:5)

-If there is a struggle in your finances, remember God is going to provide for your every need.

(Philippines 4:19)

-If your child or someone you care about has gotten off track, God is going to bring them back.

(Proverbs 22:6)

-If you’ll activate your faith by standing on God’s promises, you will see God do exceedingly, abundantly more than you could even ask or think!

(Ephesians 3:20)

Monday, June 9, 2014

This Week’s Challenge!

When something good happens, do you recognize that it’s God at work? Right away, that’s when you need to thank Him for it. Start making sure you give Him the credit.

Some people claim that God isn’t doing anything in their lives. But, I’m convinced that God is constantly showing us His goodness – it’s just that some folks aren’t recognizing it for what it is.

This week I challenge you to look for God’s fingerprints on your life. The bible says, “Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good.” If you’re going to taste God’s goodness, you have to realize that every good break, every time you were protected, every door that opened, every advantage that you’ve had is God working in your life.

Don’t make the mistake of taking His favor for granted. Recognize Him and thank Him for His goodness and faithfulness, and you will see it increase in every area of your life.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Preventing Your Past From Limiting Your Future

Don’t allow your past to limit your future. In other words, don’t let the way somebody treated you, or what they did or didn’t give you, keep you from pressing forward and becoming all that God has created you to be.

The people who raised you may have had addictions or negative mind sets, but that doesn’t have to be YOUR future. You can be the one to break that negative cycle. Maybe they had anger issues or never amounted to much, but you don’t have to keep letting that curse imprison you.

Right now, in this very moment, you can be the one to say, “No more. This is a new day! I may have had an unfair past, but I’m not going to have an unfair future! I know God put a blessing on me before anybody could put on a curse, and I’m not going to let my past limit my future.”

Today, know that your loving, heavenly Father is for you! The bible says, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” Friend, I urge you to turn to Him so you can break free from the bondages of your past. When you choose to put Him first in your life, nothing can stop your divinely-designed, amazing future!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

I Am!

God said, “Be still, and know that I am.”  When God created Adam, He put him in the Garden of Eden, a quiet and peaceful place. That’s where God met with Adam and spoke with him – in a place of peace.

We all know that today’s life can be very noisy. Everyone is in a hurry and on top of that, we download app’s to help us be even more busy. If we allow it, all of this can cause us to live stressed, uptight and on edge.

In the midst of the whirlwind of activity going on around us, we have to learn to not let the busyness, the frustration and stress, get on the inside of us. It may be hectic on the outside, but deep down in your spirit, you can be at rest because you know God has you in the palm of His hand.

Maybe you’ve been worried for a long time, or stressed because a dream hasn’t come to pass YET, or upset over a challenge you’re dealing with. Just like God met Adam at a place of peace, God is saying to you, “There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am. I am your Deliverer, I am your Restorer, I am your Provider, I am your Healer.”

Trust your heavenly Father to protect and guide you. Choose to be still, choose to find rest in Him, and choose to believe, as the bible says, that He has a prosperous plan for your life – so give yourself permission to start expecting that your best days are still ahead!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Making Your Dreams A Reality

Are you believing God for something that seems to be taking a long time? In the natural, you may have every reason to give up on it. You may be tempted to get discouraged but take heart, God knows exactly where you are.

He knows the desires of your heart because He’s the One that placed them within you. He even knows your hidden dreams; what the bible calls, “the secret petitions of your heart.”

These are the things that you haven’t told anyone about. Maybe you thought they would never work out, or you’ve buried them because they didn’t happen on YOUR timetable. Friend, God still has a way to bring them to pass.

Be encouraged today because God is working behind the scenes on your behalf. The bible says, “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” This means you need to find the time and joy to serve and seek Him. Keep trusting your heavenly Father because He is closer than you think to making those dreams a reality!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Shift Into Your Suddenly

Did you think about how one touch of God’s favor can promote you beyond your education, experience, or talent? You can be at a lower position at work, going along being your best, and suddenly things can change. One good break, one idea, one person who likes you, and suddenly, you find yourself at the top. You didn’t see it coming. Things just fell into place. That’s God shifting things in your favor.

The bible says, “I have declared the former things from the beginning; they went forth from My mouth, and I caused them to hear it. Suddenly I did them, and they came to pass.” Friend, God can cause opportunity to find you no matter where you are.

Get your hopes up and your fire back! Your loving, heavenly Father has unexpected blessings that are going to bring you a “suddenly.” Suddenly you meet the right person, suddenly you’ll see your health improve, suddenly you’re able to pay your house off.

Today, I urge you to get ready for a shift in your circumstances! But first, start with a shift in your thinking. Don’t worry about HOW things are going to work out. Shift your focus to the fact that God WILL work it out. Shift your focus to getting ready for the favor and blessing God has in store for you. Start expecting your “suddenly!”

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Keep Looking

The bible says that after the prophet Elijah prayed and asked God to end the drought, he said to the people, “I can hear the sound of an abundance of rain.” He was saying in effect, “There is a yes from God in our future!”

Elijah told his assistant to go look on the other side of the mountain to see if there was any sign of rain. When the assistant came back, he said, “No, Elijah. There’s not a cloud in the sky. It’s perfectly clear.” Elijah didn’t get discouraged and think, “What are we going to do now? I might as well quit this prophet business.” No, he simply said, “Go back and look again.”

This happened six different times, but Elijah kept saying, “Go look again.” On the seventh time, the servant came back and said, “Elijah, I saw a small cloud in the sky. It isn’t much, just the size of a man’s hand.” Elijah’s answer was basically, “You’d better get your umbrella. Rain is coming!”

Friend, like Elijah maybe you are believing for something and you aren’t seeing anything happen. Don’t give up! If God has promised it, He will do it. Let this sink deep down in your spirit today – keep your hopes up because you’re closer than you think to seeing God’s answer to your prayer!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Get Up Again

Life is full of things that try to push us down. We all face disappointments and setbacks. Maybe you received some bad news about your health, lost your job or perhaps a relationship didn’t work out. That was a setback. It’s easy to get discouraged or lose your enthusiasm or even be tempted to just settle where you are. Take heart though!

The bible says, “A righteous person may fall seven times, but they get up again.” If we’re going to see God’s best, we have to have a “get up again” mentality. That means when you get knocked down, you don’t stay down. You get back up again!

Remember, as a believer in Jesus, the same power that raised Christ from the dead lives on the inside of you. There is no challenge too difficult, no obstacle too high, no sickness, no disappointment, no person, nothing that can keep you from your God-given destiny.

Staying down is not what God’s people are meant to do. If you’re down right now, know that it’s temporary. No force on or under the earth can KEEP you down. If you stay in faith God will turn what was meant to be a stumbling block into a stepping stone, and you’ll come out stronger, wiser, and better off than had it not happened at all.

Monday, June 2, 2014

How To Overcome Fear

Fear always presents itself much bigger than it really is. It’s always the worst-case scenario. It always tries to get you worried, anxious, uptight and panicked. Fear is a favorite tool of the enemy to separate you from God by trying to get you to doubt His promises.

When the spirit of fear comes, you need to start recognizing that it has no power unless you give it power. Quit speaking the words of fear. Quit meditating on fear. Instead, let the power of God’s truth rise up within you.

There’s not many other things the bible says more than some form or another of, “Fear not.” And what’s always paired with that statement? “Because I am with you.” The Creator of the entire universe has got your back!

Today, start declaring what God says! That no weapon formed against you shall prosper. That greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. No matter how big fear presents itself, it’s no match for the power of your heavenly Father! Nurture your faith so it rises up in your heart – because faith is your most powerful tool in overcoming fear.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Keep Bragging!

I’ve learned that the more you brag on God’s goodness, the more of God’s goodness you’re going to see. When you go around saying to people, “Let me tell you what great thing God did for me”, you begin to see more of His goodness in your life.

The Psalmist said, “I recall the many miracles God has done for me. I cannot stop thinking about them. They are constantly in my thoughts.” Instead of remembering their victories, too many times people today are remembering their defeats, failures or disappointments.

If you want to experience meaningful, lasting peace and joy you’ve got to switch over and, like the Psalmist, start remembering the times God protected you, the times God showed you favor, the times God made a way when it looked like there was no way.

This is the best way to cause faith and expectancy to rise up strong in your heart. You’ll have the confidence that if God did it for you then He can certainly do it for you now. I encourage you to start sharing your victories with others. Keep bragging on the goodness of God and you’ll begin to move into higher levels of that goodness.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Who Are You Going To Agree With?

Many people feel inadequate to do anything meaningful for God. But God doesn’t see you as inadequate, He sees you as completely able and fully equipped to do whatever He’s called you to do.

One of my favorite Old Testament stories is of Gideon. He was hiding from his enemies. He was afraid and didn’t feel prepared to do what God called him to do. He was focused on his circumstances and his limitations, but God was focused on what He could do through Gideon if he would just surrender and be willing.

Gideon felt weak, but God saw him as strong. Gideon felt unqualified, but God saw him as ready to do the job. Gideon felt insecure, but God saw him as full of boldness. Even when Gideon was telling God all that he was not, and how wrong God’s decision to use him was, God addressed him as, “Mighty man of fearless courage.”

God saw what Gideon COULD BE if he would accept the opportunity God was calling him to. Then sure enough, when Gideon got in agreement with God’s plan for him, against all odds, his situation ended in victory.

Today, what has God called you to do? Remember, it isn’t about how qualified you feel. It isn’t about how talented you are. When you believe God instead of what the enemy is using your circumstances to tell you, that’s when His power becomes available to you. That’s when He can work through you and bring about greatness in every area of your life!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Choose Your Friends Wisely

Sometimes, in order to embrace the destiny God has in store you have to be willing to make some changes in your life. You have to be willing to examine where you are and what you need in order to move forward. This may mean that you need to change some friends that you’re spending time with. The bible says, “Do not let anyone fool you. Bad people can make those who want to live good become bad.”

Maybe they were fine for a season in your life, but now you’ve outgrown them. This is a new season, and in order for you to rise higher you have to break away from relationships that are limiting you. You have to develop some new relationships with people who are going to pull you up and inspire you to rise higher.

This doesn’t just mean separating yourself from people who are holding you back spiritually. I’ve found that if you’re the smartest one in your group, your group is too small. Find people who will challenge you to stretch and grow to the next level; to help you become everything God’s created you to be.

The bible also says, “The person who walks with the wise becomes wise.” Choose your friends wisely and don’t be deceived. Surround yourself with people who will inspire you to rise higher so you can live in the fullness of blessing God has planned for you!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Devine Confidence Instead of Condemnation

In the natural, when we’ve wronged someone, it feels easier to avoid them than to face the discomfort or embarrassment of having to make amends. It isn’t surprising that people sometimes have this same approach to God.

Some people think they should keep their distance from God simply because of the mistakes they’ve made. But nothing could be further from the truth! God’s not mad at you; He’s madly in love with you!

Your loving, heavenly Father is waiting for you with open arms. It doesn’t matter what you’ve done or how people have misrepresented Him to you; know that His goodness is what’s drawing you to Him.

Don’t let condemnation (whether in your mind or that which has been spoken over you by ill-advised people) keep you from turning to God. Trust His kindness. Trust that He wants you to experience His goodness.

Today, let this truth sink deep down into your spirit: Your Creator has promised He’ll never leave you nor forsake you. Turn to Him and let Him pour His loving kindness on you and empower you to walk in that boldness and divine confidence all the days of your life!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

How To Develop Wisdom

After Jesus was born, the bible tells us that wise men came from the East to bow before Him and worship Him. They went to great lengths just to get a glimpse of the child and traveled a long distance for many months, following the star. When they saw Him, they were so overwhelmed it says they fell on their faces to honor and worship Him.

The bible also says, “Reverential fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” That means that we should have a reverential honor and respect for Him – just like the wise men did. I don’t mean we must never feel relaxed and comfortable with Him. I myself affectionately refer to God as “Dad” all the time.

I didn’t grow up with a Dad so it’s comforting and heart-warming for me to embrace God as a loving, ever-present Father like my Mother depicted Him to be.

We achieve wisdom in the way I mean when we set everything else in life aside in order to seek our Creator. We are wise when we worship Him and give Him everything that we are. We are wise when we take time to honor Him.

Today, choose wisdom by choosing to put Him first in your heart, your mind, your emotions and your actions. Remember, God is a “Rewarder of the people who diligently seek after Him.” As you continue to put Him first in all you do, you’ll increase in wisdom and discernment, and you’ll move forward into the life of blessing He designed for you.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Peace, Be Still

Have you ever thought about the fact that a boat can be surrounded by water, sailing through a vast ocean with water for miles in every direction, but it’s not any problem unless the boat starts taking on the water? If the boat starts allowing the ocean to come inside, it will sink.

The same principle is true in life. You can have trouble all around you – stress, frustration and worry. But the good news is, just like that boat, you don’t have to allow what’s on the outside to get on the inside.

When difficult times come, you don’t have to be overwhelmed by the waves of worry or fear. What should you do? Follow the example of Jesus. The bible says, “Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, ‘Peace, be still!’ And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.” When He was in the midst of the storm, He stood up and spoke to the storm.

Always remember, no matter what storms may come against you, the Creator of the universe lives on the inside of you. Turn to Him and walk in His power. Don’t let the storm in. Speak peace to every area of your life!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Blessings Are Chasing You Down!

If God were to show you right now all the good that He has in store for your life, I believe it would boggle your mind. He is shifting things in your direction. Expect new and unprecedented favor to come your way!

Regardless of your circumstances, you don’t have to spend one more day of your life worried, uncertain or stressed out. You’re too blessed to be stressed! That’s more than a catchphrase. It’s the truth of God’s promises.

The bible says, “All these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you.” One translation says that blessings are “chasing you down.” When you seek after God you’re like a magnet. It draws in the favor of God. Creativity, promotion, influence, resources and divine connections are all drawn to you because you’ve become a magnet for God’s goodness!

Because of Jesus, you have been made righteous before God and the bible says, “blessings reward the righteous.” Your righteousness is not based on your own good works – it’s based on the work Jesus did on your behalf.

Wholeheartedly put your faith in God. If you’ll put aside worry and stress and just trust God, you’ll discover those blessings you’re looking for. Here’s a very important key to remember: You don’t have to seek the blessings. Seek God and the blessings will seek after you!

The right people will find you! Promotion will come your way! That life-changing opportunity will track you down! You don’t even have to track down the blessings – keep Him first place, and God promised that He will bless your life in ways you can’t even imagine!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Your Season of Grace

God will never ask you to do something without giving you the ability to do it. But when we’re passive or complacent and think, “Yes, I know I need to do that. Maybe next week,” well, next week turns into next month. Next month turns into next year.

When we put off what God has told us to do, we miss that season of grace. But if you’ll deal with things as soon as God brings them to light, you’ll have a special grace, a special empowerment. You’ll feel God’s enabling power helping you to do it.

Think about it, is there something you’ve been putting off? Something you know in your heart that you’re supposed to do? Don’t let your season of grace pass. Don’t keep going around that same mountain by yet again letting your opportunity to overcome slip through your fingers.

God has something amazing in your future! Be bold enough to address what He’s called you to do. Be strong enough to stop putting it of; go ahead and do what it takes to get to your next higher level. Step out in faith, be obedient and watch as God promotes you into abundant blessing!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Finding Rest

God wants you to live in peace and rest no matter what is happening around you. The bible says, “We who have believed, enter that rest.” When you believe God’s words over what your current circumstances may be, you enter into His perfect rest.

But if you’re controlled by the conditions around you, if you’re up when things go your way but down when things don’t, then life is going to be an emotional roller coaster for you. God’s plan is for you to be stable, consistent, and not moved by any of these things.

Anytime you face adversity or hit a tough time, one of the best things you can do is stay calm and immediately seek God. When you partner with the Creator of the universe, you come into a position of power. Declare out loud, “God, I trust You. I know You are still on the throne. This may be difficult, but I know You are fighting my battles.”

I know it may sound overly simple or even unrealistic, but this way of living is what faith is all about – believing that God is who He says He is. One of the many things He says is that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.

Today, choose to believe God so you can enter into His rest and walk in peace and joy no matter what is happening around you. Keep seeking Him and watch as He uses your own measure of faith to increase you in every area of your life.

Monday, May 19, 2014

How To Talk Yourself Into It

In Genesis 17, when Sarah first heard the news that she was going to have a baby, the bible says it was so unbelievable to her that she began to laugh. She was in her 90’s so it seemed impossible from every angle.

I can imagine her saying, “Abraham, a baby? Are you kidding? I’ve gone through the change of life. That defies the laws of nature.” She was saying, “I’m at a disadvantage. I don’t have what it takes,” belittling herself, discounting herself.

Friend, it’s just as easy to talk yourself INTO something as it is to talk yourself OUT of it. Instead of thinking of all the reasons you can’t accomplish your goal, why your relationship isn’t going to last, why you’ll never get out of debt, start talking yourself INTO it!

Practice saying, “I can do all things through Christ. God is making a way even though I don’t see a way. I’m anointed, equipped, talented, more than a conqueror.” The more you speak God’s word, the more you will believe it.

When you meditate on God’s word and speak it over your life consistently, you will be more open to see it come to pass in your life. Start today by declaring His promises. Feed your faith and move forward into the victory and blessing He has in store for you!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Same Favor

One of the reasons it’s so important to know the word of God is not only to learn His promises and His ways, but to understand His character. What He’s done for others, He will do for you. The same God who displayed His favor in the bible is still at work today.

I believe God wants to flood you with the same favor He flooded Joseph, Abraham and Elijah with. I believe He wants to open new doors, bring new increase and provision. The question is, are you ready to receive it? Can you see it with your eyes of faith?

The bible says that our God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is with you and for you. Even before you see things turn around, believe that He is working on your behalf. And when He pours out His favor, it won’t be just a drizzle; it’s going to be a flood! A flood of ideas, of good breaks, of talent.

Keep believing and hoping. Open your heart to receive everything God has in store for you. Get ready because the same favor that your heavenly Father displayed in the bible is coming your way, and sooner than you think!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

When You Feel Uneasiness

The bible calls Jesus the “Prince of Peace.” That means He is the ruler of peace. Having His peace is not like having the sort of peace the world has. His peace is permanent. It never changes and can never be taken away.

It’s interesting that the word “peace” literally means “to set at one again.” In other words, when we are one with the Father, when we line up our thoughts, our words and our actions with Him we will experience His peace in our lives.

Anytime you find that you don’t have peace about something on the inside, when you feel an uneasiness, that’s a sign that you should stop to pray and make sure you are in line with God’s direction. Remember, His plans are always for your good. He leads you by peace and in that peace you will get your joy back.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Hope & Prosperity

When unexpected things happen like trials, difficulty or tragedy, the enemy sends a whirlwind of fear to try to shake our faith and steal our focus. His goal is to take our eyes off of God and cause us to feel overwhelmed by circumstances.

But if we will choose to stay focused on the love of God, if we choose to meditate on His goodness, the truth will set us free from fear and will ground our hearts in confidence.

Today, know that God loves you perfectly. He is a good God. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that His plans for us are for good. That He wants to give you hope and a prosperous future. Anytime thoughts of fear come, replace them with words of love. Just declare, “Thank You, God, for leading me into peace. Thank You for giving me hope for my future.”

As you meditate on God’s love and goodness, you’ll feel faith rise up in your heart. You’ll feel hope, you’ll feel strength, and you’ll feel empowered to move forward in the good path He has prepared for you.

Thursday, May 15, 2014


What are you focusing your words, energy and thoughts on? You might be hurting so you’re saying something like, “It’s just so hard right now because money is tight.” Or, “My health doesn’t look good.” Or, “Someone I thought would never leave walked out on me.”

No, you’re focusing on the wrong things. You’re letting defeat, discouragement and self-pity rule your mind. Why don’t you turn that around and say, “God is still in control. Somebody may have walked out on me, I may be hurting right now, but I know God is the Restorer of my soul.” “I may have lost money in an investment or accumulated substantial debt, but I know God is supplying all of my needs. He is fighting my battles.”

When you start letting God reign in your life, you can’t stay defeated. He will cause you to conquer, to be restored, to come out better off than if the situation had never even happened. Begin right now by declaring God's goodness in your life and let Him take over so that you can move forward into the victory He has lined up for you!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

How To Build Your Faith

Do you want to have more faith? The bible tells us that, “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”  It doesn’t say, “Faith comes by having heard the word of God one time.” It says that faith comes by hearing, in the present tense.

We have to hear the word of God over and over again in order for it to take root in our hearts and transform our minds. Sure, God’s word can transform us in an instant, but most of the time our faith grows as we hear the word of God again and again.

Just as a seed needs daily water to grow, your spirit needs the word of God daily. The more you hear God’s word, the more you know Him. The more you know Him, the more you will be able to believe Him, and that’s when faith builds!

Today, why don’t you choose a few scriptures to meditate on? Write them down and carry them in your purse or wallet. Let that truth sink down into your soul. Let the truth of the word transform you and move you forward into the abundant life God has prepared for you!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

STAND and see!

So many people today run from anything that’s hard. They run from their problems. They run from responsibility. They run from people they don’t like. They run from the past. They run from anything that makes them uncomfortable.

Instead of facing the issues and dealing with them, many folks just take the easy way out and go down the path of least resistance. But if you’re going to live in victory the way God intends, you have to learn how to face your challenges head on.

The bible says, “stand and see the salvation of the Lord.” Notice it doesn’t say, “Keep running until you see the salvation of the Lord.” It doesn’t say, “Bury your head in the sand until God delivers you.” No, God wants us to STAND and fight the good fight of faith.

The good news is that you don’t have to do it in your own strength. The Creator of the universe has equipped you with His supernatural power to overcome every obstacle. So make the decision today to stand strong and face the challenges in your life. Be bold! As you stand in faith, you will see the restoration and deliverance of God in every area of your life!

Monday, May 12, 2014


Oftentimes when people face challenges their natural tendency is to seek comfort in things that are familiar. It may be work, an activity or relationships, and of course we all know about “comfort food.” But those things only bring temporary comfort. TRUE comfort is only found in a relationship with Jesus.

God said in Isaiah, “As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you...” According to Webster’s dictionary, comfort means to give strength and hope; to ease grief or trouble. No matter what difficulty you may be facing today, God wants to bring you comfort.

Start reminding yourself that your loving Creator longs to give you strength, hope and confidence. Turn to Him, receive His love. Let go of things that would hold you back. Let Him heal your heart and give you strength for the future. Let Him empower you to rise up and overcome every obstacle!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Are You Ready?

Are you ready for a new chapter in your life? Sometimes in order to move forward into the blessing God has for you, you have to be willing to let go of the old. The things that are behind you are not nearly as important as what is out in front of you. And today I’m telling you it’s time to get ready for the new!

You may have had some unfair things happen, things that you don’t understand, but let me tell you that you have come too far to stop now. Instead of allowing those things to hold you back, why don’t you let go and take a step of faith into the new? It’s time to get a new and bigger vision! It’s time to get a new and fresher outlook! it’s time to rise up with a new attitude!

Instead of settling where you are, pick up and move forward. Have the attitude that says, “I may not understand it, it may not have been fair, but I am not getting stuck on this page. I know God has a new chapter for me and it’s a chapter filled with blessings, favor and victory!”

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Speak To Your Mountains!

We’ve all had seasons when the challenges of life feel overwhelming. During those times it’s easy to be tempted to talk about how bad things are. Maybe you received a bad medical report, or maybe you’re facing a large financial obstacle.

The more you talk about something the bigger it becomes in your mind. Instead, you have to dig your heels in and say, “No, I’m not going to give life to that defeat. I’m not going to speak sickness over myself. I’m not going to speak lack. I’m choosing to believe what God says, which is, ‘I can do all things through Christ.’ I can defeat this sickness. I can break this addiction. I can have peace no matter my circumstances.”

Remember friend, even if you don’t see how things could ever work out, the Creator of the universe does. He is still in control. You have to continuously speak His promises over your life, and declare His favor over each difficult situation.

Instead of talking to God about how big your problems are, talk to your problems about how big your God is! As you speak to your mountains, they will be moved, and you will walk forward into the victory and restoration God has prepared for you!

Friday, May 9, 2014


The bible tells us that life and death are in the power of the tongue. God Himself spoke the worlds into existence by the creative power of words. Think about that for a moment. You can bless your future with your words, or you can curse it.

There are many influences over our words. In the heat of the moment, we can let our emotions tell us what to say. We can listen to what others say and allow their opinions and ideas to influence our words. We can even be influenced by what we watch on TV, the internet or read in the news.

Proverbs 16:23 tells us that a wise person does, “The heart of the wise teaches their mouth, and adds learning to their lips.” As a believer, when you listen to your heart, you are allowing the Spirit of God to influence your words.

Today, listen to your heart. Take time to be still and quiet before your loving, heavenly Parent. Allow Him to teach you what to say. As you submit your words and ways to Him, He will direct your path and help you achieve success in every area of your life!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Right Labels

When you make a mistake, unfortunately the critics and haters come out of the woodwork. People will tell you, “You’ve made too many mistakes; It’s too late; You’ve missed your destiny.” But friend, if you wear that label it will continue to keep you from the amazing future God has in store.

God says, “My mercy is bigger than any mistake.” God says, “I can still get you to your destiny.” God says, “I will give you beauty for those ashes. I’ll pay you back double for the unfair things that have happened.”

Understand, you wouldn’t be alive unless God still had an amazing plan for your life. I want to urge you to take off any negative label someone else or you yourself have put on you. Take off the “failure,” “stupid,” “trouble-maker” labels and put on GOD’s labels: redeemed, restored, forgiven, bright future, new beginning.

Always remember, you have been made in the image of the Creator of the universe! God didn’t make any mistakes. You have the right personality, the right gifts, the right looks, the right skin color. You are not an accident!

Let this sink deep down in your spirit, God designed you precisely for the race that is laid out for you. You are fully equipped for it and His mercy is greater than any mistake you could ever make. Embrace this truth today so you can begin to live the life of victory He planned for you!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Get Back In The Game!

Is there a desire that you placed on the shelf, so to speak? Have you been sitting on the sidelines of your dream, celebrating everybody else’s victories, watching the promises come to pass in their lives?

The bible says. “We have all these great people around us as examples. Their lives tell us what faith means. So we, too, should run the race that is before us and never quit. We should remove from our lives anything that would slow us down and the sin that so often makes us fall.”

It’s good to celebrate with others but God wants to do something amazing in your life, too. He wants you to be celebrated. You don’t have to sit on the sidelines watching everyone else. You have treasure inside of you!

Think about the promises that God has spoken over you. It’s not too late. You’re not too old. It may look impossible but our God can do the impossible. When you believe, favor is released. Don’t waste another day sitting on the sidelines of life. It’s time to get back in the game! It’s time to run your race. It’s time to press forward into the promises that God has in store for you!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Getting You Where You Need To Be

Have you ever felt overwhelmed or even afraid of what God has called you to do or where He’s called you to go? Maybe you were pursuing a dream or goal and things didn’t turn out the way you thought they would/should.

The bible records such a situation for Joseph, “ angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream. ‘Joseph, son of David,’ the angel said, ‘do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife. For the child within her was conceived by the Holy Spirit.’ ”

Joseph had planned to take Mary as his wife but when he found out she was pregnant he didn’t know what to think. He was afraid that he might be making a mistake because things didn’t turn out the way he thought. But, God sent a messenger in a dream to reassure Joseph that he was indeed on the right path.

Today, let me reassure you that God knows right where you are and He knows how to get you to where you need to be. Even when things don’t go the way you planned, don’t be afraid. Trust that God is still working behind the scenes on your behalf, and that He will get you to that place you know He’s calling you to.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Beauty For Ashes

Everyone has experienced hurt and disappointment in life, but God doesn’t want us to sit in the ashes of the past. The bible says, “He will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair.”

Your loving, heavenly Parent wants to trade your brokenness for healing. The key is that we have to be willing to give up the “ashes” in order to receive the “beauty.” You can’t have both because the old has to go before the new can come.

Friend, ask yourself if you’re really trusting God with your past hurts and mistakes. Are you willing to make the choice to let go of the pain, to forgive others (and yourself) so you can move forward into real peace, victory and freedom?

I want to encourage you not to waste another moment sitting in the ashes. The past is over but your future remains, and if you’ll trust God, He said it will be more amazing than what you could’ve hoped or dreamed of yourself. Choose to let Him give you joy instead of mourning; let Him begin to make something beautiful out of the ashes!

Sunday, May 4, 2014


We serve a loving, gracious, generous God. He loves you so much that there isn’t anything He wouldn’t do in order to have a relationship with you. The bible tells us that sin separated us from God, but God doesn’t want to be separated from us. That’s why He sent His Son into the world – to pay the penalty for sin so that you and I could have a relationship with Him.

So many people today think they have to earn their way to heaven. They think they have to be “good enough” or “always do the right thing” in order to be accepted by God. They want to “clean up” before they come to Him. But the bible says, “You have been saved by grace because you believed. You did not save yourselves; it was a gift from God.”

Understand, though you may feel compelled to try and earn gifts from people, you can’t earn this gift from God. You don’t pay for His love; you can only receive it by faith. If you’ve never made Jesus the Lord of your life, I encourage you to receive this free gift.

All you need to do is sincerely say this simple prayer, “Father in heaven, I come to You today giving You all that I am. Thank You for the gift of salvation through Your Son, Jesus. I believe He died and rose for me, and I invite You to be Lord in every area of my life.”

Whether you’re already saved or you just now declared that prayer I urge you to choose today to let Him fill you with His eternal peace and joy so that you can start living the abundant life He’s carefully designed just for you.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Say Continually

In Psalm 35:27, God’s people were commanded to “say continually, ‘Let God be magnified. He takes pleasure in prospering me.’” I believe one reason they were supposed to say it all the time is so it would get down on the inside of their hearts.

See, when we hear something long enough, we start to believe it. It starts to affect the way we see things. I want to encourage you today to stop dwelling on negative, defeated thoughts and start dwelling on thoughts like, “God takes pleasure in prospering me. Good breaks are in my future. Explosive blessings are coming my way!”

Starting right now, let the truth of God’s promises sink down into your heart. All throughout each day, declare His goodness; declare His faithfulness; declare His blessings because He delights in seeing you prosper. When you surrender your will to Him and let Him direct your steps you will begin seeing His amazing plan come together in your life.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Are You Ready For Increase?

Are you ready to go to the next level, spiritually, physically and emotionally? Many times, people hear the truth that God has more in store for them, and something resonates on the inside. Their spirit comes into agreement with God.

Then there are times when a person’s natural mind will try to talk them out it. Thoughts will come like, “Good things come to everyone but me. My situation is hopeless. I have too much debt. I’ve gone as far as possible at this job. I’ll never find anyone to be happy with again.”

Friend, you have to get rid of those negative thoughts! This is a new season! What’s happened in the past is over and done. You may have been through disappointments, you may have tried and failed, or things didn’t work out. But that’s okay – God is still in control.

Your loving Creator said, “I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?” It’s time to get in agreement with God and embrace a new vision for your life. It’s time to open yourself to a new way of thinking and speaking so that you can receive all the blessings God has lined up for you!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

You Have Something To Offer That No One Else Can

The bible says, “Love is kind.” One translation says that, “love looks for a way to be constructive.” In other words, love looks for ways to improve someone else’s life. Love brings out the best in other people.

I want to challenge you (and myself) to not just get up in the morning thinking about yourself or how you can make your own life better, but to think about how you can make someone else’s life better. Ask yourself, “Who can I encourage today?” 

You have something to offer those around you that no one else can give. Someone in your life needs your encouragement. Someone in your life needs to know that you value them. I believe God is counting on us to bring out the best in the people He brings across our path.

Ask yourself today, are you improving the lives of those around you? Are you pouring confidence into them? Seek God for more creative ways to bring out the best in others. As you sow into the lives of others, He will send people across your path to build you up and help you embrace every blessing He has planned for you, too.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

On Earth As It Is In Heaven

When Jesus was teaching how to pray, part of what is commonly referred to today as the Our Father prayer says, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” God longs to give you a glimpse of heaven while you‘re still here on earth. He wants to show you His wonderful plan and bring it to pass in your life right now.

Have you ever thought about how God’s will is accomplished in heaven? In heaven, God’s will is automatic. There are no opposing forces of darkness or anything that would come against His will. On earth, we have to reject the negative, self-defeating thoughts and stand against the opposing forces that come against His will. We must make a commitment and choose His will on a daily basis – in our thoughts, words and actions.

I want to encourage you to open your heart to the will of God. As it says in Ephesians 6, you will be empowered by your union with Him. Just because you may not feel that way or see physical evidence of it today, keep declaring what God says about you so you can be empowered to overcome whatever opposition you face. Stand strong in your faith and watch as God's will comes to pass in your life, here and now!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Your Reward Is Coming

Have you been praying and believing for something that seems like it’s taking a lot longer than you thought? Many times, people can miss God’s best simply because they give up before they see their “due season” come. Don’t let that be you!

The bible says, “So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.” Be encouraged today because your answer is closer than you think! If it seems like things are getting more difficult, remember, when the intensity heats up, that means you’re closer to your victory. It’s always darkest just before the dawn.

You serve a faithful God, and He’s working behind the scenes on your behalf. Don’t cast away your confidence today because your reward is coming.

The key is to keep an attitude of faith and expectancy while you’re waiting. Wake up every morning and say out loud, “I’ve come too far to give up now. My due season is coming!” Stay in faith and look for His hand of blessing because He has promised you victory, and it’s closer than you think!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Quality Time

God wants to empower and strengthen you to overcome every obstacle in this life. He wants to bless you with the confidence, wisdom and boldness to pursue the dreams and desires in your heart.

In the bible, everyone around Peter and John marveled at their boldness and ability. In Acts 4:13 it says Peter and John were supernaturally equipped. The people knew Peter and John didn’t have any formal training or education. This power and wisdom could have only come from one place – the Creator of the universe.

When you spend quality time with your heavenly Father, people will be able to tell. You’ll be energized by His anointing and equipped by His grace. That’s why it’s so important to take time every day to be in His presence. No matter where you are on this earth, His presence is only a prayer away.

The bible says God is near to all who call upon His name. It says that He inhabits the praises of His people. Make your relationship with Him your number one priority and watch as you become more empowered and blessed each and every day!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Live Forward

Have you made the decision to forget the past? Many people don’t fully understand what that means. They wonder, “How can I forget something that’s happened to me?” But one definition of the word forget is to disregard intentionally or to overlook. In other words, you have to choose to disregard your past so that it doesn’t keep you from moving forward.

I really like what Paul said to the Philippians, “I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead.” It doesn’t matter what’s happened in your past, it’s time to forget what lies behind.

Today, make the choice live forward. Trust that God has a better future in store for you. Trust that He’s working behind the scenes on your behalf. You always move in the direction your focused on, so as you forget what lies behind and press forward, you’ll move forward. You’ll be able see the increase and blessing of God’s plan for you and start to live the abundant life He promised!