Thursday, September 5, 2013

Don’t Tell Me

No offense but I couldn’t care less who tells me they’re a Christian – SHOW me. You shouldn’t have to tell anyone anyway. I know most people don’t need the bible to tell them that being a hypocrite is wrong but even Jesus said He’d rather you just be outright against Him than to claim you’re for Him yet your actions prove otherwise. One translation says this type of behavior makes Jesus want to vomit. Wow.

If you’re okay with binge drinking or lying or being vulgar or rude, then own it. But don’t say you want to change, say you want a better life and then not put forth the effort it takes to get it. That does so much damage to the people around you who actually believe your words, who then get disappointed when you don’t back them up with anything real. I’m sorry to put it so bluntly but, you’re a walking deterrent for God when you conduct yourself this way.

Maybe you don’t compromise in big ways like stealing or cheating but the little ways matter, too. The bible says it’s, “the little foxes that spoil the vine.” You have to stop saying you want to be financially restored or lose weight or quit smoking or quit getting wasted or quit being selfish, but then not take any steps toward actually doing it. There is help for you but you have to acknowledge it and COMMIT to it.

I do want to warn you though, when you try to live right and remove unhealthy things from your life you will lose some people. But let me encourage you, God will replace them with better ones! People who love and support you. People who help you grow and develop. I have a friend who says it like this, “People who compliment your life, not complicate it.” I love that.

Friends, you have an amazing, God-given destiny and it’s too important for you to squander it away trying to help someone who’s actions have proven they don’t really want help. I know it may hurt your heart but some people you have to let go of and GIVE TO GOD. Today I urge you to look around you, look at what you’re allowing your influences to be. Take that step toward the higher level of being and blessing God is calling you to. Release those bad habits and toxic people and trust God to not only bring you out of it but bring you out BETTER than you could’ve ever imagined!

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