Tuesday, September 24, 2013

More Effective Prayers

Did you know that the way you treat others impacts the effectiveness of your prayers? The bible says that the prayer of a righteous person is powerful. But if we aren't treating others with honor, understanding and respect then we aren't operating in righteousness.

The bible also says to, “comfort one another, agree with one another, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.” It’s a CHOICE to live in peace with others. Being right isn’t worth losing your peace. And acting too cool to apologize just makes you appear immature. I want to encourage you that when you choose to see people through God’s eyes of love you will find real peace.

As for intimate relationships, they aren’t just an agreement between two people to live life together. Relationships are intended to be a God-given blessing. When two people are united they’re supposed become one: spiritually, emotionally and physically. The bible says you should, “respect your wife and value her as an equal so that nothing will get in the way of your prayers.”

Another key to getting along with people is just allowing them to be them. God didn’t appoint you, Oh Mighty Changer of People :] However, if there’s someone that because of ‘them being them’ it’s causing you constant stress or drama then you may have to give them to God and love them from a distance. We just need to recognize when we’re dismissing a person only because they’re not doing or saying exactly what we like. We’re not two years old anymore, the world doesn’t revolve around us so it’s no longer age-appropriate to throw a temper tantrum when we don’t have everything just the way we think it should be.

The bible says to, “Avoid ignorant arguments so they don’t grow into quarrels” which means, keep the peace so you can avoid the drama. I urge you to make the following phrase a common mantra in your daily life – be hard to offend and quick to forgive. I’ve made it a habit of reciting this in my head when I’m tempted to lose my composure and I can’t tell you how often this pulls me back into peace. Be accepting and forgiving but also be careful to know when and where to draw the line so that their influence doesn’t pull you off track from God’s awesome plan for your life.

No matter what type of relationship it is, we should always aim to treat others with kindness and respect. Remember, the way you treat others is one of the main things that impact the effectiveness of your prayers. Take the challenge and start an honest effort to really try to treat others the way YOU wish to be treated. Choose love and forgiveness over the need to be right or ‘cool.’ If you commit to practicing these principles I believe and declare that you will not only see more effectiveness in your prayer life but you will also receive peace from God like you’ve never experienced before!

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