Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Very Best

Is there a particular situation in your life right now that’s causing you a lot of stress or sadness? I want you to repeat to yourself and always remember that your steps are ordered by your loving supernatural Parent. God has a specific purpose in mind for you – He designed it before you were even born. He’s already lined up every person and thing you need and designated the exact right time to bring them about in your life. He is constantly working behind the scenes on your behalf.

If you’re ever going to experience true peace and triumph over the fear and doubt though, you have to learn to trust God’s plan. Like any good parent God wants the very best for you. The difference is that your heavenly Parent is the only one with the ability to make undeniably sure you end up with the very best. Think about that, the Designer of the universe is also designing your destiny.

Let me assure you friends, right this very moment He's aligning the very best opportunities and causing the absolute right people to come into your life. And another thing, He won’t allow you to make peace with settling for less than His very best either. His vision for your life is way greater than you can even imagine! He won’t let you stay with the wrong person or at the wrong place for long. You may attempt to remain there but He’ll never stop trying to wake you up so He can bring you into that higher level of being and blessing He designed for the precious child you are to Him.

The key is that you have to really, truly trust God. Never forget that He is concerned about everything that concerns you. The bible says that He takes the care to bottle each of your tears. He said He would take even that which the enemy meant to harm you and turn it around to benefit you. Stand on this promise today, declare God’s words back to Him and watch as He manifests them in your life!

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